Thursday, November 18, 2010

In The Weeds

Really, the things I'll do for a blog post. When Phil came home from work the other day, I said "Come on, we're going to find some weeds and take our pictures in them!" Bless his heart, he's so used to my crazy ideas by now that he just came and never even asked why! But since I have severe fall allergies, the whole side of my body that was nearest these weeds broke out in a rash, and I ended up scratching myself all through the grocery store, looking like a crazed flea infested person...but I digress. This is about the newest dating fad, "Weed Dating". There was a big article in the paper, and it's becoming very popular. Participants pay a small fee, usually $10.00, to meet and weed. They wear name tags with their first name and the name of their favorite fruit or vegetable. It takes place on a farm, where they weed a row with a prospective partner, then onto the next row with another person, and so forth. By the time the field is all weeded, hopefully there will be some matches. Nice to meet you, I'm Ginny Potato! Don't get me started!! There will be a time when there are no more weeds, only beauty.

"Instead of the thornbush will grow the pine tree, and instead of briers the myrtle will grow. This will be for the Lord's renown, for an everlasting sign, which will not be destroyed."
Isaiah 55:13
P.S.-I have found out a few things about Amanda. I don't plan on doing a third post about her, but if you are interested, you can e-mail me and I will tell you.


Stephanie V said... I have heard everything. That is too clever of the farmers. You pay to weed for him!

Kilauea Poetry said...

I've never heard of this! I guess it raises a few questions..I'm not sure I understand it completely? Meet like as in date? Then they pay the farmer?
That is sweet Phil cooperates..I know someone who would sure hesitate (lol)
I am curious about Amanda and her family?

Reanaclaire said...

Good move.. weed and date.. do we have to find our own dates or are they arranged? sounds like fun too!

DawnTreader said...

Okay there are some things I would not get into just for a blog post! One is a field of high grass in the allergy season, and another is weed dating... It certainly would not be the way for me to meet my "soulmate"!

Anonymous said...

What an idea!

pam said...

Oh my word....that is funny.

SquirrelQueen said...

Oh my, what is dating coming to these days. I have heard of speed dating in restaurants but on a farm pulling weeds! Maybe in the future we will hear "the family that weeds together stays together" LOL!

Phil is a sweetheart of go on a weed search with you, my hubby would do it but would definitely ask why.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

That is the craziest thing I have ever heard...well, one of the craziest things.

Anonymous said...

Ginny, you come up with the most amazing posts!! What a way to meet a potential partner!!!

Melanie said...

I've never heard of this before! Very interesting.
I'd like to hear about Amanda.
Have a great weekend! :)

From the Kitchen said...

That's a great idea! I think I'll try it right in my own garden. If that works, I'll carry it over to "clean one room of my house" matches. This idea has great potential!!

Love, the photo of you and Phil in the patch of weeds. After it was taken, did the two of you weed that patch?


Ruth Hiebert said...

If this 'weed dating' catches on,I may have to try it in my garden.I will gladly let others take care of the weeds,while I sit and smile.

Fred Alton said...

OMG! Weed dating. Mmmm ... They who weed together will eat together in due season ... if they feint not! Thanks for the smiles. BTW - you picture at the top is FANTASTIC! And thank for the good pictures of you and Phil.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Ok, i think you have won the prize of MadSnapper on this one. you outdid even me, the queen madsnapper. still laughing at making Phil stand in the weeds and not laughing at your allergies but thinking what were you thinking???
this is just about the silliest meet people thing i have heard so far. there are lots of different meeting people things online, this one is a first forme

Unknown said...


Nice post..Do stop by if you find time...:)


Mary Bergfeld said...

Some people have too much time on their hands :-) Where do they get this stuff? Have a great day, Ginny. Blessings...Mary Mustard

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Fun post today! Have a wonderful Friday!

Kerrie said...

Ginny, never heard of such a thing-ha! A very neat post!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Gosh---that gave me an idea, Ginny... I could sponsor a "Leaf Dating" here in my yard. People could choose their favorite leaves --and go from partner to partner --while RAKING and BLOWING and MOWING my leaves... At the end of the party, my yard will be clean....

Whattcha think?????? ha ha

Cute pictures of the two of you.... Did you ever hear the song by Brad Paisley called "Ticks"????? Playing in the weeds reminded me of that song.

RoeH said...

Weeding. Meeting. I'll take meeting over weeding. Great concept, though.

Karin said...

Well, as long as the 'weeds' and 'grass' aren't the cannabis kind, it doesn't hurt to go weed dating, LOL! I just googled weed dating and found the write-up. Very interesting! The things you won't do for a blog post had me chuckling - and no, my hubby would not come along! Hope your itchiness is gone.

It would be interesting to hear 'the rest of the story' of Amanda.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Love your pics! I cannot get my husband to go along with blogging? Weeds dating, never heard of?

George said...

This is the first I've heard of "Weed Dating". Some smart farmer had a great idea.

What Karen Sees said...

You know, some people are just too creative for their own good! What a great idea!!!! P.S. Lovely photos of you both.

Remington said...

Great idea -- love it!

photowannabe said...

Well Ginny Potato, this is quite chariming. Sorry for your itches but anything for a provokitive post. (:0)

photowannabe said...

Good grief, my spelling is awful.


Nikki (Sarah) said...

Ginny...this is sooo funny. and hope you're not itching anymmore.

srp said...

Weed dating... now that is a new one.... killing two birds with one stone I guess. Perhaps we could have "planting" dating and "picking" dating and, oh yes.... "canning" dating. Sometimes I think we should have stayed living on farms.

Doris Sturm said...

I think that weed dating is a great idea, especially since all the pesticides and weed killers are poisonous and will kill us too - what an eco friendly way to meet and weed!

Happy weekend :-)

Doris Sturm said...

p.s. what a good sport your husband is and I do hope you're feeling better now.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

This is a handsome couple, next time, have a date together, the weeds can be your bridesmaid.

I will go out and do some weed dating too as it is warming up.

The Hoya is a vine, the leaves are thick 1/4 inch, the flowers thick, like rock.

Connie Arnold said...

I've been reading and enjoying your blog, Ginny. I came over from Stuff could always be worse and glad you like my poem Kim shared.

Chatty Crone said...

Never heard of something like this! lol


Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

What an unusual way to meet reminds me a little of the scheme of Huck Finn painting the fence and cajoling all his friends into paying him to let them finish painting it! :)

Rose said...

this is unusual . if it makes someone happy go for it.

ruthi said...

You are lucky to have Phil cooperate. It will surely be a miracle to make my Mikey pose for me. Most of the photos I have of him were stolen shots. hahaha

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