Saturday, November 20, 2010

As Warm As Gold

See her as she flies
Golden sails across the sky
Close enough to touch
But careful if you try
Though she looks as warm as gold
The moon's a harsh mistress
The moon can be so cold
Jimmy Webb

Today my intrepid friend and scholar Remington alerted me to the fact that tonight is the full moon. This one is called the Beaver moon, or Frosty Moon. Beaver Moon because people are setting beaver traps right now, and also the beavers are getting busy preparing for winter. I liked the way the moon looked with and without much zoom through the leafless trees. And though the frost is on the pumpkin; with my wonderful husband beside me and our adorable little granddaughter in the back seat, the moon was not very harsh at all. In fact, it actually was as warm as gold.

"He will endure as long as the sun, as long as the moon, through all generations. He will be like rain falling on a mown field, like showers watering the earth. In his days the righteous will flourish; prosperity will abound till the moon is no more." Psalm 72:5


Karin said...

The moon around our parts was very frosty and surrounded by ice-fog and I didn't have my camera! Love your better anyhow! Just lovely!

gemini said...

Oh I love your Beaver reminds me of my childhood game of Hide and Seek during this kind of moon....but now can't in the big city where you can't even see the moon anymore...hahhaha...wish me a good time when a moon comes out again.

SquirrelQueen said...

Ginny, I love the close up shot of the moon through the branches. I saw the it looked warm but the air down here is getting a little nippy.

By the way, Sunday's moon is a Blue Moon.

Rachel Cotterill said...

I noticed it's been really bright the last couple of days. Great photos :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

WOW!!!! on the header shot. and that beaver moon is sitting right in the middle of our street right now, almost dipping below the horizon. it is indeed a golden ball. I see it in the early AM each morning and today's is beautiful. I tried getting a photo of it last night but my rebel just will not focus in the dark.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

WOW!!!! on the header shot. and that beaver moon is sitting right in the middle of our street right now, almost dipping below the horizon. it is indeed a golden ball. I see it in the early AM each morning and today's is beautiful. I tried getting a photo of it last night but my rebel just will not focus in the dark.

Bobbie said...

What a beautiful picture of the moon!!! And I love the header. My hubby actually bought a moon and stars for our granddaughters bedroom about a year ago. The moon is remote control operated and she can click it on to quarter, half, full etc. and watch it at night. Thanks for sharing this.... Oh, and the comment you made on my last post- LOL you made me laugh!! That was funny.

Smita Srivastava said...

Beautiful clicks... loved ur prev post too - BTW ur leaf bowl is so pretty !!!

Ruth Hiebert said...

You captured excellent images of the moon.I did not see it last night,because of heavy cloud cover and now a layer of snow covering all.

From the Kitchen said...

The photos are wonderful but I like the description of where you were and who was with you--such a comfortable position to be in!!


Anonymous said...

Very pretty Ginny.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

We saw that same moon last night, Ginny... How 'bout that???? On our way to run some errands, we saw a gorgeous sunset going ---and then on our way home, we saw that gorgeous MOON. George went outside and took some pictures of it...

I didn't know that it was called Beaver Moon or Frosty Moon though... NEAT!!!!

Have a great Sunday.

Kerrie said...

Beautiful post!! I told myself to go out and take pictures, got caught up in life and forgot!! Great, great photos! hugs, Kerrie

S. Etole said...

such a golden glow ...

Stephanie V said...

Great photos! I always think the moon is cold but yours is not at all.

Helen said...

The moon photos are beautiful - they look magic.

Chatty Crone said...

I don't know where I have been - but it must not be outside. I have to go check what that moon looks like tonight.

Pretty pics as usual.


Fred Alton said...

I actually saw the warmth of that gold glob in the sky - then felt it's warmth in my heart as I went in the house and took Frances outside to see the full-moon!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Wow! I really learned something new about the moon today! Thanks! Have a super good coming week!

Glenda said...

I snapped pics of the full moon, too, but mine are nearly as pretty as yours! Great photos!

Anonymous said...

For some reason the moon has fascinated us since God put us on the earth. Great Photos! :-)


Rose said...

love the photos you took of the moon.rose

Doris Sturm said...

That is terrible...who in the world would still be that naive than to trap beavers? They are endangered... Now I'm upset!

The moon is beautiful! I think I'll go outside right now with Gizzy to take a look!

No, I don't recall seeing any e-mails from you, Ginny, unless they got stuck in my junk mail folder. If I don't recognize the e-mail address, I normally don't open the emails, especially with the computer problems I've been having lately. What address did you use? If you tell me what your e-mail address is, I'll put it in my address book so it will not get trapped in junk mail.

Have a lovely evening,
Doris and Gizzy :-)

Doris Sturm said...

That is terrible...who in the world would still be that naive than to trap beavers? They are endangered... Now I'm upset!

The moon is beautiful! I think I'll go outside right now with Gizzy to take a look!

No, I don't recall seeing any e-mails from you, Ginny, unless they got stuck in my junk mail folder. If I don't recognize the e-mail address, I normally don't open the emails, especially with the computer problems I've been having lately. What address did you use? If you tell me what your e-mail address is, I'll put it in my address book so it will not get trapped in junk mail.

Have a lovely evening,
Doris and Gizzy :-)

Information said...

photo this month very close..

Doris Sturm said...

yep, you are there, Ginny, on all the comments. I'm losing it, please forgive me!

I'm the one that has been tardy with commenting on your blog, so I am guilty of not being on the ball.

Have a wonderful week!


Anonymous said...

With my kind of camera I can never get shots like yours! Very beautiful...and I love the title of your post!

Kilauea Poetry said...

This is simply beautiful! I remember Linda Ronstadt singing that song..and that was some time ago!! What a lovely verse to accompany these photos and such a fine evening with your family!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Your moon shots are so clear and beautiful, Ginny! I like how each moon has a different "meaning" for each month!

Dawning Inspiration said...

Such a beautiful moon God created and you captured!

Linda said...

Beautiful moon, as it is very warm with no glare..... Great capture!

srp said...

We should call it the tulip moon as it is time to plant tulips for spring.

bettyl said...

Awesome shots! I never heard of a Beaver Moon, but it makes sense.

George said...

You got three great pictures of the moon. Very well done.

Vanessa Rogers said...

a lovely poem and pictures! Thanks for sharing.

ruthi said...

I always wanted to take photo of the moon and I always plan it. But when it's full moon... I always end up saying... next full moon. It's too cold outside. hayyy.

Yours are lovely photos. I love the one with the twigs.

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