Sunday, November 28, 2010


This is a look of anticipation if ever there was one. Little Ella is wanting something, and waiting to see if she'll get it. See the brightness in her eyes, she is almost holding her breath in expectation. New studies have shown that for most people, the expectation of something is much better than the thing itself. Who knew? It's not surprising, though. The bigger a buildup there is to something, the more likely it is that the thing itself will fall short. Once something fun is over, we wish we had it to look forward to again. We all need something good to look forward to, or anticipate. Can you remember something you had great anticipation for that didn't turn out to be near as good as you'd hoped? Here is something that Abraham anticipated that I think did not fall short, perhaps it would be even better than he could have imagined.

"By faith he made his home in the promised land like a stranger in a foreign country; he lived in tents, as did Isaac and Jacob, who were heirs with him of the same promise. For he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God. Hebrews 11:9


Kilauea Poetry said...

This is a little sad to me but still very true..the look says it all! It is all boils down to it though we insist on setting up shop here? But- its the kind that doesn't disappoint!
Maybe that's why people often try to recreate the same little movie? Yes..I'd say the prospect's better, though some this is unconscious? At any rate, to answer your question..I've had many wonderful experiences..but I'm thinking back you know? Most of the time when I hadn't anticipated it? Great thought provoking post-

Nature Rambles said...

You're right about the anticipation...I'm trying to remember. Maybe it was with people and people's behaviour falling short of expectations. Definitely a thought to ponder on....

SquirrelQueen said...

Ella is a little doll, she is definitely excited about something.

I can't think of anything right off the top of my head but I have always preferred the thrill of the chase over the catch.

Anonymous said...

I love the look you captured on Ella's face! She is precious.

From the Kitchen said...

So true! Although some things are continued to be enjoyed afterwards as a sweet memory--such as meeting you and Beverly for coffee and a visit last month!!

I hope that adorable Ella got whatever it was she wanted!!


Lady Jane said...

Savor the journey and you wont be disappointed. Now where did that come from so early in the morning, lol. Ella is a beautiful child and the look of anticipation is priceless. Keep that camera handy. Many blessings. Lady Jane

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my first comment on a blog from the new laptop sitting in my lap is to YOU. have to get used to the touch pad and i keep hitting keys that are not in the same place, but I am loving the conveniece.
ella bella is shining withe expectation. her hair is beautiful and you captured her perfectly. the only thing i can think of right now is when i read a really good book and cant wait to get to the end, then i am sorry it is done. if i think of something i will come back

Karin said...

Interesting thoughts! I was physically sick with anticipation of crossing the ocean to our new land - Canada. But God has provided every step of the way and brought about things I never could have dreamed of. Such is my hope of heaven! Just can't imagine!

Beverly said...

She's anticipating seeing her I can hardly wait to see her!

What Karen Sees said...

That look is so precious and innocent, and Ella is such a beautiful and photogenic little girl.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Anticipation is a perfect word to describe the season of Advent, Ginny. I love Advent --and find myself doing everything I can spiritually this month preparing myself for the birth of Christ... But--in this case, the actual birth of Christ IS as important as the anticipation we all have.

Advent taught me the true meaning of Christmas... Celebrating Advent helped me put the emphasis in the correct place ---not on the gifts, but on the Birth of Jesus.


DawnTreader said...

Excellent capture of that look! I think most of my grown up life I've liked the time of Advent better than the actual Christmas; referring to traditions rather than the actual "gospel" of course.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I think it is true that the wait often is better than what ever it is that we wait for.

George said...

This is a beautiful portrait of Ella. I think you're absolutely correct on the buildup of anticipation.

Fred Alton said...

What a gorgeous expectant look that is on this child's face! Who would want to disappoint her? Very special!

S. Etole said...

This is just the best photo of anticipation! What a look .... beautiful, Ginny.

Bobbie said...

You're right Ginny, Bella does resemble Rissie. Such a little doll. Loved this post.

Remington said...

Perfect pic!

Melanie said...

That is such an adorable picture! ♥

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Anticipation is usually a wonderful thing. We hope and dream and think about the event or item that will come to us. As Christians we have the anticipation of our home in Heaven with God once we pass on. Have a super good evening tonight and a wonderful day tomorrow!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Wow, this is so true. The expectation is better than reality

LC said...

What a wonderful image of anticipation on that beautiful little face. As the years have progressed I have learned to accept and savor (usually) what I have anticipated in whatever form it finally arrives. That personal growth has rewarded me with double pleasure--the anticipation and the actual experience. Another thought-provoking post. Thanks Ginny!

Lady Jane said...

Glad you liked them. Make sure if you make some post them, I would love to see them. The embellishments are endless. I am thinking sea shells and feathers for another already. But tomorrow is another day, lol. Enjoy. Blessings, Lady Jane

Glenda said...

Anticipation reminds me of waiting for Christmas when I was a little girl! It was a magical time!

Little Ella is beautiful and I'm sure she's anticipating Christmas!

Your header is wonderful!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

She is so beautiful, her hair has been brush so nicely.

Re: Book

I cannot thank you enough for inspiring me to write it.

The first draft was finished last week, I got the first chapter 34 pages printed and proof read.

Praise God that Jeannette, an ex missionary offered to proof read and edit. She did a marvelous job.

Today I printed the first draft of my manuscript for Jeannette to proof read the rest.

( My church is printing for me, Kay said she was crying the whole time she read my book.)

Today, I sent that with my synopsis to a appraiser.

I got my church leaders and Bible Study Group to pray for me.

May I email you the synopsis and see how you feel?

Dawning Inspiration said...


How are you feeling?? And Phil??


Today is National Squirrel Appreciation Day! Do you have many squirrels around? We do, and they are amusing to watch. Over 200 species exist...