Monday, December 26, 2011

Look Through Any Window

Do you like to snoop peek look through other people's windows? I do! Well, I don't run around peeping through windows. But when we are out driving, if a house has their blinds up, I like to look in just for the fun. I guess I am just a Peeping Tom curious person. This really pays off at Christmas time. And if you look really hard, you may get a bonus and see something other than trees! Windows figured in a lot of significant bible stories! Jezebel was thrown out of a window, David's wife looked down from a window at her husband, and was shocked and mad, and in the book of Acts, Eutychus sat on a windowsill, fell asleep and fell out the window. This killed him, but he was brought back to life by Paul! They say that the eyes are the windows to the soul, and actually that is in the bible!

"Your eyes are windows into your body. If you open your eyes wide in wonder and belief, your body fills up with light. If you live squinty-eyed in greed and distrust, your body is a dank cellar. If you pull the blinds on your windows, what a dark life you will have!"
Matthew 6:22


Karin said...

Fun photos - hope no one called to report a peeping photographer on the loose! I like your verse and yes, it is so true about our eyes being the windows to our soul. We can tell a lot about the state of a person's emotional and spiritual well-being by their eyes! So glad all the folks in your photos let their light shine so others could receive joy!

SquirrelQueen said...

Looks like you caught Santa visiting a couple of those houses. And is that the Grinch? Maybe he's had a change of heart about Christmas. Ginny, the tree in your header is so cute.

ME said...

The lightening work looks so brilliantly done and is giving an awesome look specially the deer one.
Check this if you want -
Which Ornament on Christmas Tree are you?
Are you an angel or a star on the Christmas tree?

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

I too like to look at Christmas decor at night but with so much rain, it kept us in.

I like your drive around photos.

Hope your Christmas was a blessed one.

Anonymous said...

With windows decorated like that I'd be a Very Curious Person! loved your text and story revolving around windows. Beautiful verse too. I'm so glad that your blog is a window to your life and life in your country.

That little girl's name on my blog is Rachel. The girl holding the fishing rod is her elder sister, Richa. Their parents are friends of ours. In fact their dad went to school with one of my younger sisters.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I like that big Grinch in the window!

Alice said...

Great post idea:)

My mom has a giant Grinch up at her house, too...but not in the window.

Tanna said...

I enjoyed 'peeping' with you in this one, Ginny!! such beautiful Christmas-y scenes! The tree in your header may be my favorite!! Eyes are very revealing. blessings to you and yours ~ tanna

RoeH said...

What a neat post! Wish I'd thought of it because I love walking at night and looking in other folks' windows. Christmas trees would be perfect for that.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

well sister mine, i must say I have never taken photos of the windows I peek in, i do love to look in windows that are left open, from the car i mean or from the street. i figure if they leave the windows open with the lights on, they must want me peering in them, and this is the reason when it gets dark i close my windows because i know there are others that like to peek in too. these are great shots of trees in windows. my mother always had the biggest tree that she could get in the house right in front of the window and at dark the lights came on the tree and the living room had to be dark so people driving by could see her tree. back then it was rare to see anything outside or any decorations other than trees and the majority of people did the same thing.

Reanaclaire said...

Great sights.. I wonder what the owner will think when she/he sees you looking through their window! :) Maybe they will invite you in for a cup of coffee..

Filip Demuinck said...

Nice Christmas trees but the one in your header is the best.


Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, I am the opposite but I do like going to new home open houses where the property is for sale. I also virtually do what you do when I watch the home improvement and design shows on cable TV such as on HGTV and DIY Networks. No, I am not a network shill. Ha! Have a wonderful day today!

Chatty Crone said...

I like the Bible verse today - about the eyes - I hadn't heard it or remembered it. And the windows around your home - there are so many many different ways people have decorated. They even put in the Grinch. I am going to keep my eyes wide open! SANDIE

photowannabe said...

Love your window theme and how you brought in the scripture.
I'm a "curious" person too and like to "observe".
Have a wonderful, Healthy and Happy New Year Ginny.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

No snow on the window ledge?

I watched a couple of Xmas movies on TV. The husband is in Singapore, and only my son and I are at home.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

When Grandparents are babysitting, my mum says the responsibilities are great. Accidents do happen.

Last night, I watch Jack osborne getting his Mum on that rock climbing vehicle, and Sharon was up side down.

Ann said...

Yes, I do that too. When I'm driving at night I love to peek at windows that have lights on :)
Love all your shots but I really love the window with the grinch in it

Joanne said...

You are so imaginative! Tell me does anyone ever come out and ask what you are doing.? Lol! Don't worry Ginny I would bail you out if need be Lol!
Blessings, Joanne

Ruth Hiebert said...

I am also one of those who loves looking into windows.Of course I do it only from the car. Your pictures are wonderful.

Marie said...

I do the same thing Ginny! Nice photos. I really like this Bible verse. I try to keep my eyes wide open. :)

DawnTreader said...

As you know I've taken a lot of photos of shop windows. I'm more of a coward when it comes to snapping through private windows though...

Nikki (Sarah) said...

what great fun at your that little granddgt of yours. And all those decorations. Ginny I hope you're having a great Christmas week....

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I had been the complain queen over children's playground, always looking out for any flaws, must be from my experience with the accidents I had when i was young.

Rose said...

I have been reading to catch up....had to take time to comment. YES! I love it when people leave their windows uncovered and I can see in when driving at night...but I never leave mine open. I would love to know what that says about me pschologically....I love seeing how people decorate their house, etc. I am not looking to see people, just their house.

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