Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Reflections

Today I am giving you a sneak peek preview of our Christmas tree. Just a tiny glimpse till I show it all in a later post. I thought I would start with reflections. The first two pictures are Phil and I reflected in my laptop screen, with just the top of the tree showing in the background. And can you see me and my camera in each ornament?

“God made his Son responsible for everything... His Son is the reflection of God’s glory and the exact likeness of God’s being… After he had cleansed people from their sins, he received the highest position, the one next to the Father in heaven.”
Hebrews 1


Karin said...

May we truly reflect the love of Christ at Christmas and every day of the new year! Blessings!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Great reflection pictures, Ginny... Can't wait to see all of your tree!!!!!

Merry Christmas.

FilipBlog said...

Hi Ginny,

Very nice idea, I have been visiting blog a lot the last weeks but it is very difficult to make comments from the Middle East. For some reason the internet gets blocked when I try.


Reanaclaire said...

Ginny, time really flies.. I remember you taking a few pictures of the reflections last Christmas if I am not mistaken... if I were to reflect back my life, I have countless thank you-s to say to our precious Lord..

SquirrelQueen said...

It looks like you were having a great time taking these photos Ginny. Great reflections! I can't wait to see your tree, the glimpses are so pretty.

Tanna said...

Beautiful reflections, Ginny. I especially love the one in your header!! (and, I am quite taken with that ornament, too!). blessings ~ tanna

RoeH said...

I love the little piggy ornament. Or did I see that wrong. Whatever, so far it's a beautiful tree. I haven't put one up for years. It just seems silly for just me. And Hank would have it down it a second.

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

HOW cute is that, these are super! I do like what I see so far on your tree.

Hope your day is good.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I love the first one of you in the ornament - so fuN!

LC said...

I enjoy your reflection pix. You inspired me last Christmas season to try to capture some similar reflections in giant ornaments adorning a huge tree in New Orleans. Alas, my tecnigue evidently needed more work to match your success. This year I will just enjoy your images. Thanks again for encouraging comments. I will have to check out the NIV application Boble you mentioned.

Alice said...

I love the bible verse used here.

From the Kitchen said...

I love this post!! I love your and Phil's reflections. My favorite is the pig. Is there a story behind the pig?


Hootin Anni said...

That was such a fun post to view!!! [oh and that golden pig ornament....my daughter would go crazy-wild over that one - she has collected pigs from I don't know when. Her house reflects P I G S!!!]

Fred Alton said...

Great "reflection" pictures, Ginny! Your a great photographer, carefully and deliberately capturing every detail. Nice.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I see you, I see you and I see you and I LOVE all your reflections, i like the round ball and the pig the best of all. great shots. i have been taking self shots for a post to, not quite like this though. but enough to say we are sistas AGAIN...

Unknown said...

Wonderful, creative post! How amazing that we can reflect our Creator!

Remington said...

I see you!

Marie said...

Great reflections Ginny. Such pretty colored ornaments. Looking forward to seeing your entire tree. :)

DawnTreader said...

I didn't know there were so many of you... ;)

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, You are farther along in your Christmas decorating than I am. My husband and I are trying to find a living Blue Spruce at about 4' tall to use for a Christmas tree and then plant the tree in our spacious yard. Our local tree farm has sold-out so we are at square one again. Who knows? Have a great day today!

Chatty Crone said...

I did see your reflections - the bird was the hardest. Can't wait to see your tree.

We should be reflections of HIM!



Ruth Hiebert said...

Neat pictures. Yes,we must reflect Christ to a waiting world.

Deborah said...

I love those pictures Ginny! They look great!

George said...

These are great reflections. I look forward to seeing more of your tree.

Ann said...

I love all your reflection shots. That Phil is such a good sport too. My husband would never let me get a picture like that.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

love the analogy and the pics of you guys.....I too want to reflect Him....I don't think I always do but I try.

S. Etole said...

Those are some beautiful ornaments with your reflection shining on them.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

great reflections, how big are yr Christmas balls?

Tjhe Geysers shoot all the time for a long time.

Can you imagine my father in law was afraid?

Shug said...

Yep....I see you....and Phil!
How we live our lives is a reflection of our love for Jesus Christ....I pray each day that what I do will bring Glory and Praise to our heavenly Father..
Hugs Ginny..

Anonymous said...

Love It! Although I must admit the bulb ones made me a little dizzy :-)

God bless you Ginny, I hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.


Rose said...

And a few peaks of your and your camera, too!!!

Nature Rambles said...

All the ornaments are beautiful and it's such fun to see your reflections in them!! I also like the laptop reflection.

Lynn said...

Love this creative post Ginny. You and Phil are so cute in the laptop. May you both have a wonderful blessed Christmas with your beautiful family.

Reena said...

Very cool Ginny!

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