I took Phil to see "The Three Stooges" movie today. I think the Stooges are strictly a guy thing, since I have never known a woman who liked them. It was literally painful for me to sit through this movie, as they chocked a dolphin, burned a man's chest with hot irons, fell off buildings and ladders, and got chain sawed in the head...and that was just in the first minute!!! O.K. I am kidding about the first minute part... anyway, I am glad that Phil liked the movie. For any Stooge fans, here is a picture of The Stooges as babies, then at 10 years old. Yes, I snapped the huge screen in the theater! We went to Zeus, our new state of the art movie theater, and wow!! It is really fancy, come walk through with me. As you can see, they even have a room that is a gaming arcade, and a separate banquet room. The seats are recliners that rock, here is Phil showing you one. And the screen is enormous. I don't know why the theater is named Zeus, he was the God of Thunder, ruler of mount Olympus. But our real God is not just God of thunder, but everything that exists!! And I guess that would even include The Stooges.
"He pulls water up out of the sea, distills it, and fills up his
rain-cloud cisterns. Then the skies open up and pour out soaking showers on
everyone. Does anyone have the slightest idea how this happens? How he arranges
the clouds, how he speaks in thunder?
Just look at that lightning, his sky-filling light show illumining the dark depths
of the sea! These are the symbols of his sovereignty, his generosity, his
loving care. He hurls arrows of light, taking sure and accurate aim. The High
God roars in the thunder, angry
against evil."
Job 36