Monday, June 25, 2012

The Aliens Have Landed

What do you think this building looks like? Many think it looks like a giant spaceship. Welcome to The Markel building, located in Richmond, Virginia. It was voted the 7th ugliest building in the whole world! The architect got his inspiration from a baked potato wrapped in foil that he was eating one evening. Each floor consists of a single piece of aluminum used as siding. The crinkles were sledge hammered, and the building was finished in 1965. It now houses various office buildings. Phil said the best thing about this building is that you can throw rocks at it and not get in trouble! Boys will always be boys, I guess. We really enjoyed driving through and hope you did, too. Tomorrow I will show you something else so ugly it is cute, famous, and much beloved.

“Summing it all up, friends, I'd say you'll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse.”

Philippians 4


SquirrelQueen said...

I can believe he was inspired by a baked potato but how did he manage to find someone who would let him build such a thing? If it was shiny it might look like a spaceship but I think it looks like a tossed baked potato wrapper. That is ugly.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it does look like a space ship and i was thinking it is a parking garage until I read your post. very odd very strange, VERY interesting post, again.

Tanna said...

It is so ugly is is cute!! I actually love it!! =D

Alice said...

It is different indeed.

Alice said...

It is different indeed.

Alice said...

It is different indeed.

From the Kitchen said...

The pylons holding it up look like they are wearing leg warmers! I can't believe this ugly building is in the capital of the finest state in the country!!


Anonymous said...

well I have never saw this before, my gosh, some people have more money than brains, ha ha, but I suppose its really and artistic endeavor and could not have been easy to pull off.It really is amazing,

Karin said...

It is certainly unique - and beauty is in the eye of the beholder - I guess! Maybe it would never have made your blog if it was just a run-of-the-mill building! Now it's famous!!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Ha ha, so funny it was voted 7th ugliest building. Who knew!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Ha---what an honor to get (one of the WORST)... ha... When I first saw that building, I thought it was a round parking garage.... Can you imagine having an office in that thing? Wonder if there are 'crinkles' inside also???? ha


Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

Interesting, at first I thought it was stone, only to read its metal. I kinda' like it.

Chatty Crone said...

It does NOT look like a baked potato to me. The 7th ugliest building - oh my that is not good. Looks like a space ship to me too Ginny. Nice find. sandie

Rose said...

I need to apply that Bible is so true and I just don't apply it like I should.

Your husband has a good idea about throwing a rock at it....

Linda said...

Interesting structure...I can't call it pretty, but then again, it was voted the 7th ugliest building? LOL! Great find!

Ann said...

It does look a bit like a space ship and it's quite unique although I will agree it's ugly.

George said...

I agree that this is definitely an ugly building. I'm surprised there are six uglier than this.

Unknown said...

Do you think that the designer thought that baked potatoes were pretty? Some things are really baffling, aren't they? Not God's Word though, always wise and true! Thanks for the reminder of where to focus, I love that version!

Connie said...

Ginny, what a cute (or ugly) post you have here. I like what your husband said about throwing rocks, LOL.
Thank you for visiting my blog. I'm delighted that you like my water bottle bags, you are so sweet. I really am not set up to sell anything. I think you have to get a business license and all that jazz, so the government can tax you and keep track of your earnings. Well, someday I might get set up for selling, but right now I'm just having fun. Do you sew? They are very simple. Have a truly wonderful week, Connie :)

Mary Bergfeld said...

It may not be the worst, but it certainly is a contender:-). It's a lot of money to spend on something inspired by a potato. You asked about succotash. Here goes!

Originally succotash was just a Native American dish of stewed corn and some type of legume (usually lima beans), sometimes including a smoked meat product (often times bear). The dish derives its name from the Narrangset word msickquatash meaning, "boiled kernels of corn." Today, succotash is mainly eaten along the East Coast of the United States, and throughout the South. Each location has its own spin on the ingredients. Along the Eastern shore you may see the ingredients stewed lightly in cream; in the South you may get a kick from succotash seasoned with piquant hot sauce. A little bit of this, a touch of that -- though no matter what the ingredients, it wouldn't be a succotash without the inclusion of corn.

Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I would not say that it is ugly but it sure is unique! It does look like a space ship

Ruth Hiebert said...

Yes,that is kind of ugly but certainly unique.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

It is definitely ugly! I wouldn't have guessed it was an office building! I wouldn't like not having windows. Can't wait to see what you're going to show tomorrow!

FilipBlog said...

I must say I like it. But ok, I like a lot of special and modern buildings.


DawnTreader said...

Lots of aliens about today ;)
I thought it was a parking garage at first look.

LV said...

That is definitely a different building. The history of it was most interesting. Thank you for always letting a tiny bit of your light shine on me. Are you using the new blog version?

S. Etole said...

You share such interesting things with us. Definitely something to think on.

LC said...

Weird. Has it turned into an upscale address for offices or a low rung on the prestige ladder?

Annie Jeffries said...

Wow. I'm speechless.

Anonymous said...

Another amazing post, Ginny. Can't imagine a building like that. Phil's comment made me smile!

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Marie said...

It does look like space ships from the movies. :) You always find the most unique things! Happy week Ginny!

Bobbie said...

Wow! Interesting building Ginny.. You never cease to amaze me with your findings..

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