Friday, June 15, 2012


"If dandelions were hard to grow, they would be most welcome on any lawn.
Andrew Mason

The first picture shows the view from my kitchen window. After getting through a long winter, I just love it when the cheerful little yellow dandelions begin to dot the yard! Yes, I am a dandelion lover. They can grow in the hardest places, like the rocks in my header. I even think there is a sort of beauty when they have gone to seed. And they provide little children with such a tempting puff to blow! Ella says that bees live in dandelions, as witnessed in my fifth picture. But I must admit that I have my doubts about this house you see...their yard is nothing but dandelions and they don't mow them! It's a strange sight, isn't it? And a mystery.

“Work at getting along with each other and with God. Otherwise you'll never get so much as a glimpse of God. Make sure no one gets left out of God's generosity. Keep a sharp eye out for weeds of bitter discontent. A thistle or two gone to seed can ruin a whole garden in no time.”
Hebrews 12


Joanne said...

People eat dandelions and even make wine from them. That house most probably has an older person that can't kept up anymore or perhaps its just vacant. Either way the dandelions are winning!
Blessings, Joanne

SquirrelQueen said...

Dandelions are beautiful little flowers but I wouldn't want my entire lawn filled with them. Maybe that house is vacant?

Unknown said...

They are beautiful and the bright yellow color always brighten your mood doesn't it?! Have a lovely weekend!

Alice said...

I am also a dandelion lover:) I wouldn't mind a whole yard full.

DawnTreader said...

I like dandelions too but then I don't have to fight them! It does like the owners of that house have given up the battle ;)

Ann said...

I'm probably not the most popular person in my neighborhood because I think I'm the only one who doesn't have the lawn sprayed. I happen to like my dandelions. My yard was close to looking like that overgrown one. We had a week where we couldn't mow because the mower was broken.

From the Kitchen said...

I love viewing a "sea" of yellow dandelions undulating across fields but don't particularly like them in my lawn. Of course, as a child, I loved spreading them by blowing their seeds all about.


Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

That is so true, they would be welcome as much as clover. Great shots!

Parsley said...

We have a large yard that dandelion have taken over. I don't spray because my dogs are there. The field/pasture land next to it is clear of the flowers. I wonder why?

Hootin Anni said...

Y'know....around here we have tons, and I do mean tons, of weeds. But, for the nearly 8 years we've been here, I have yet to see a dandelion pop up on our yard.

...and they're so sunny.

Anonymous said...

isn't the beauty of nature amazing,

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I like the bright yellow also...your right...they even grow in gravel

Anonymous said...

Your pictures are always so beautiful. I always look forward to what you find to post. Keep it up.
Jean in Memphis

Karin said...

Love those sunshine faces of the dandelions. As fastidious as Germans are in many things, they do apparently love their gardens looking more natural and welcome these little beneficial flowers!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Beautiful home to have such a horrible looking yard. Maybe that home is vacant.

Have a great weekend.

Reanaclaire said...

Ginny..what a lovely view from your backyard! My backyard is facing some grass which is due for cutting! :)

FilipBlog said...

I love these fluffy flowers. Very nice to take close up pictures.


Linda said...

Hi Ginny, what a beautiful post. I really enjoy looking at your photos, thank you so much for sharing them.

Stephanie V said...

Well you know I love them, too. I think that house is a dandelion plantation...just waiting for the economy to catch up with gold of the dandelion.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Dandelions are very pretty,yet I really don't want my lawn full of them.

Hootin Anni said...

Ginny, to answer your question...those 'dirt' walls by the sea are HUGE rock/boulders. They just way out into the gulf and cement on top. It's called a jetty.

Annie Jeffries said...

So that is the house across the road? I imagine a few of those dandelion seeds have drifted your way.

Chatty Crone said...

Can't say I like them in my yard - okay if a neighbor has them, but then they blow into my yard! Sorry - but your photos are awesome! love, sandie

Marie said...

What a beautiful view from your kitchen window! Have a great day!

Unknown said...

Beautiful photo, that first one just took my breath away! But it's so true that we have to be so careful to not let the clutter and weeds take over our lives! I'm definitely one who needs this advice!

Thistle Cove Farm said...

I love dandy lions -smile-; while most think of them as weeds, I think of them as flowers. If they get to be too many, I let the sheep in the yard to graze -smile-.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

Me too Ginny...I'm a dandelion lover. In fact I wrote a children's story about one little dandylion who finds her self-worth

George said...

I must admit that I'm not as fond of dandelions as some people are. But they certainly grow well here on the Plateau.

Rose said...

That house looks empty! I was just telling Sandra that dandelions are really beautiful when you take a good look at them.

LC said...

We never had many dandelions when our lawn was thick with St. Augustine. I am not sure what happened, but I think a new (now old) lawnmower with the blade set lower weakened our St. Augustine so that it no longer grew thick, shading out weeds. Now we have lots of weeds, none as cheery as dandelions.

After reading a local gardening column, I asked Dear Hubby to set the mower blade higher. At some point I will start getting outdoors again and sprig St. Augustine around. In the meantime I will be watching to see if the St. Augustine in several neglected flower beds will turn its aggressive growth back into our yard from which it spread.


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...