Saturday, June 23, 2012

Side Of The Road Sunday

Come along with me and let's see what the neighbors have put out on the street this week. The big thing seems to be chairs. This is good, I think we all need a rest after that Body Dome exercise contraption. We will sit with Jesus and talk awhile, because you know Jesus is sitting, too. A person sits when he is done, and the work of Jesus is completely done. He was the final and perfect sacrifice for all our sins. So that WE can rest, as well. So please have a seat.

“After the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, he was taken up into heaven and he sat at the right hand of God.”
Mark 16

I will be taking off the computer Monday and Thursday this week, see you the other days!!


Chatty Crone said...

Are you saying you drove by your neighbors and they all put all these chairs out - that is crazy! lol sandie

Ruth Hiebert said...

I think I need to sit down.

Terra said...

Your idea about Jesus and sitting got my attention. Nice thoughts.

Annie Jeffries said...

This is a variation of making a silk purse out of of sow's ear, right???

Karin said...

Does anyone actually pick these up??

I love the fact that Jesus sat down at the right hand of the Father. I've always said that the only One who finished His work on earth was Jesus - our work is always left undone.

SquirrelQueen said...

Oh my goodness, it looks like someone is doing some redecorating. I hope the city will pick up all that furniture. Or maybe they are getting ready for a yard sale?

Enjoy your time off Ginny. I have a spay/neuter event this week so I will taking some time off too.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we see this every time we leave the house, in all the neighborhoods we travel through. it is very common and also very wasteful. Americans have become just throw it out, don't give it to someone who needs it. a lot of the ones out there, a simple call to goodwill and they will come pick it up. not if it is torn or dirty. we saw not one but 2 like new leather sofas sitting out in the rain. my mother had one sofa from 1954 until she died in 1990. every couple of years she made covers for it to keep it looking good. my computer chair, i got off our neighbors garbage pile 7 years ago, there was and is nothing wrong with it. i have a side table by my rocker that is beautiful, got it off the garbage pile. if people want new things they should give or donate to others. oops i am on my recycle soap box.

Hootin Anni said...

I gotta say this....your side of the road stuff is GOOD compared to what WE see....mostly dead branches piled up around here.

Thanks for visiting with me today and taking time to leave a comment!!!

Ann said...

Looks like the furniture business must be booming around you these days with all those chairs and couches set out by the road.
I remember when I was a kid, we didn't get new furniture we had the old stuff reupholstered

Mary Bergfeld said...

I really enjoyed your thoughts today. I hope your weekend is progressing nicely. Have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

Neal said...

Interesting to say the least. Did you try all of them. :)

From the Kitchen said...

Your header looks to be straight out of a torture chamber!

Old Green Shutters is an antique store. They repair screens, lamps, windows, etc. in the back. It's owned by our neighbor and I love to sometimes just go in a visit with.


Rose said...

I cannot help but look at the that house behind the first chair built of rocks? I would love to see more of it.

S. Etole said...

What an interesting sight. Don't see much of that in this area.

Stephanie V said...

Love the booths in the header photo. I'm wondering who would actually be able to save them? Maybe there are builders and upholsterers snapping them up for materials?

FilipBlog said...

These are very strange pictures. Is everyone buying a new couch.


Shug said...

Oh gurl...I've been looking for me a new chair...I suppose I need to make my way up there and find me one on the side of the road!! This is so funny to me...can't believe they are just out by the side of the road...
What I like most is that I have a selection to choose from!! Woo hoo!
Have a good evening Ginny.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

We only see these kinds of things a couple times each year when they have their bulk trash pickup. Thank goodness!

BlueShell said...

That's why I do like it here! Hugs, BShell

Anni said...

Just popping by to thank you for visiting me at my newer Birding Photo Blog the other day...I got behind in my visiting because of some genealogy work online that took most of my time last week!!!

Love your photo shares!!

Linda said...

It is amazing how often one can see this in Montreal. It also never ceases to amaze me how some people will actually pick up mattresses and sofas from the trash. This is a big mistake, as often bed bugs are in them and these people unknowingly bring the bed bugs into their apartment or home by taking furniture out of the garbage.
As always, great post, Ginny. I love the photos!

Tanna said...

I for sitting and having that conversation. blessings ~ tanna

Becky Jane said...

I need to find a chair for my husband....but I think your streets house better items than mine.

LC said...

Looks like the neighborhood is ready to watch a parade in plushy and well-broken-in seating. Amen to you accompanying message.

Bobbie said...

When we have a piece of furniture that we don't want anymore we'll sit it outside and put a free sign on it. Someones junk is often anothers treasure, and so far we haven't been disappointed. Last year a woman actually stopped by with a box of candy for us thanking us for the lovely rocker recliner... lol


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...