Tuesday, June 26, 2012

An Ugly Love Story

Meet the Uglydoll, which is supposed to balance both cuteness and ugliness. In 2006 it was awarded "Toy Of The Year" by the toy industry. Sasha Obama carried one to school on her first day. Half of the buyers are adults who keep them for themselves. How did they get started? David Horvath and Sun-Min Kim were in love and sent love letters to each other. At the bottom of his letters, David drew these little characters, each one different. One Christmas, Kim surprised David by giving him one of his characters that she had made come to life by sewing and stuffing it. He loved it, so she would make more whenever she got a new letter from David. They caught on really big, and Sun-Min ended up sewing at least 1,500 herself till demand was too great. Now there are Uglydoll blankets, clothes, books, you name it. All in the name of love.

“A good woman is hard to find, and worth far more than diamonds. Her husband trusts her without reserve, and never has reason to regret it. Never spiteful, she treats him generously all her life long. She shops around for the best yarns and cottons, and enjoys knitting and sewing.”
Proverbs 31


Anonymous said...

Very interesting story. I had not seen these yet. Kind of reminds me of my old college friend, Xavier Roberts, who invented the Cabbage Patch dolls (much the same way!)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

What an interesting story... I love it when people use their imaginations and turn them into a business... That's the entrepreneurial spirit which is so great in our country.. I just wish Obama would quit trying to take this all away from us! Oh Well---great post. I think the dolls are CUTE...

Anonymous said...

Such a beautiful story! Wow...the dolls are adorable!!

Reanaclaire said...

They are cute in their own way, Ginny! But kids might not want to cuddle one especially during the night.. more for adults, I think? :)

SquirrelQueen said...

I think these dolls are cute. I really like the story about how they can into being, it's amazing what love can create.

DawnTreader said...

Haven't seen any of these around here yet but who knows!

Tanna said...

That is so interesting!! A love story and a business success!! They really are so cute! blessings ~ tanna

Alice said...

They are very cute. My littles would love them.

Hootin Anni said...

I've seen these before and didn't realize that they were so popular...with adults too, huh? Guess I'm not so crazy afterall.

Anonymous said...

wow, thats is amazing,

Neal said...

That is one of those things that is so ugly that it's cute. :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it is ugly for sure, and cute to, and a great love story. i miss all these things because i never go in the children's aisles. maybe i should wander through sometime to see what they are inventing.

Linda said...

Hmmm...a face only a mother could love? LOL! Seriously, I agree with Neal. It is one of those things that is so ugly, it's cute. :)

Mary Bergfeld said...

I love unanticipated success stories :-). I also love your pictures of the ugly dolls. Does Ann Marie have one? Have a great day, Ginny. Hugs and blessings...Mary

RoeH said...

Cute story. And dolls. Haven't seen them yet. :)

Ruth Kelly said...

Not my cup of tea but then back in the day, I didn't like the cabbage patch dolls but my daughter had to have one.

Bobbie said...

I never heard of these before. Neat story! The dolls are really cute..

Rose said...

I wonder if Lorelei has seen these--has Anne Marie and does she like them?

FilipBlog said...

I was just going to say how ugly, but the name says it already.


Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I've seen these dolls in many places, Ginny! I never knew how thye got started. They remind me of the troll dolls i loved as a child. Sometimes "ugly" make some want to love them even more!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I've always thought they were cute!

Ann said...

First I've ever seen them. They are ugly and cute at the same time.

George said...

This is a great story. I'm not sure I'd buy one of these dolls myself, but they are so ugly they are cute.

momto8 said...

I have to get my kids marketing their doodles more....
pretty amazing story, really.

Chatty Crone said...

Man that was an interesting story. I always wish I had invented the Post A Notes.

Those little uglies were cute.


Ruth Hiebert said...

Interesting.This is one toy I have not heard of before.

Karin said...

I enjoyed getting to know how this phenomenon started! One can't ever know what will catch on!

LC said...

I am so behind the times, and I loved your introducing me to this marketing phenomenon and the lovely backstory.

Lynn said...

I have seen these, but my grands, majority of them boys, don't have them, hehe and I have never seen Kaylee with one. They are different, but cute. They remind me in a weird way of the trend started with the move, "Despictable me!". I actually love those things. I wonder if the couple are still together or if sucess ruined them.
Cute post, cute story, cute "things". Blessings.

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