Sunday, June 10, 2012

Sunday Coupons

On Sundays, I enjoy looking through the coupons in the newspaper. My favorite part is seeing what brand new food items are in the stores. And today I saw these two ads for really yummy looking food. I adore soups and stews, even in the summer, and I was drooling over this, it is even all natural! So I decided to tear out the coupon and buy it. Same for these little bagged snacks. Upon a closer look, they are both DOG foods! And this has happened to me much more than once., I get fooled ALL the TIME!! Well, if these are dog food, just give me a leash and call me Fido, ruff ruff!!

“He said, "Stand in line and take your turn. The children get fed first. If there's any left over, the dogs get it." “She said, "Of course, Master. But don't dogs under the table get scraps dropped by the children?"
Mark 7


momto8 said...

oh my gosh..that is funny! one time a neighbor gave my daughter a bag of candy for her and a bag of dog food for our daughter was walking home from school at the time...when she got home she told me the candy was not her favorite (she tasted the dog food)

Reanaclaire said...

Dogs are also so blessed nowadays.. their food look ravishing! hahaha...

Unknown said...

so funny :-)remember tasting candies for dogs [chocolate ones] a long time ago lol

SquirrelQueen said...

Foods for dogs are beginning to look more and more like human food. I did see a commercial the other day for the one they call Hugs. I was walking into the room just as they showed the product and thought it was a cookie commercial. My cats are starting to complain because they old have kibble. MOL!

Unknown said...

he he, you are so funny! But if you did eat these maybe you would start barking, that might be fun! :)

Hootin Anni said...

I usually get the candy coupons and use them. LOL

Ginny....regarding those photos on my blog today...they are NOT the olives you see in a jar on the store shelves. But the ones we had in Tucson were. Thing is....Raw olives contain an extremely bitter substance called oleuropein. They are inedible to all but the most stubborn raw foodists. Brining olives removes the oleuropein, as does pressing them into oil. You must soak them in brine for months before enjoying them full flavored without the extreme bitterness!!!!

Anonymous said...

well it does look good,

Unknown said...

Good Post !

From the Kitchen said...

Looks good to me too. Oliver would be happy to find it in his bowl!!


Tanna said...

LOL! Still looks pretty tasty!! Maybe the dogs know something we don't. Hee hee. blessings ~ tanna

Anonymous said...

Wolf Wolf Wolf that is LOL in dog language......

MadSnapper n Beau said...

well i never. i don't get the paper and dont do coupons and have not seen any of this before. i do know there is a refrigerated case on the dog food aisle where i buy my 40 pound bags of dry food and milk bones. but have not looked in it. since we DVR what we watch and fast forward through commercials, i have totally missed all this. it really does look like people food.

Mary Bergfeld said...

Now please don't go barkin' up the wrong tree :-). It really does look good enough to eat. Thanks for starting my day with a smile. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

Karin said...

Had to chuckle that you got fooled - but wow, that's easy to do with good looking food like that. What I find so sad - is that families who don't have enough for their own food budget, however do feed a couple of dogs and cats the best. I simply don't understand those choices - but it's their life.

Linda said...

I don't get the paper but I have used coupons when I have the opportunity to get them. Mostly the coupons I use are for a meal at a restaurant, but I have gotten and used coupons sent to me by companies. These coupons are a great value, because sometimes they offer a free item. Thank you for sharing, your header is lovely, too.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Wow,glad you discovered it was dog food,before you had some. :)

Cheryl @ TFD said...

You're too funny, Ginny! Looks like the doggies are eating really good these days!

George said...

I think dogs (and cats) have become gourmet diners.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Ha ha, they do look tasty though.

The salmon salad - I didn't use a recipe so I don't know exact ingredients. I think I just tossed a can of salmon w/ some mayo, lemon juice, salt, pepper, chopped celery and olives.

Marie said...

This is so funny! I have noticed some tasty looking dog food lately. LOL I believe Publix has ice cream treats for doggies. :)

Ann said...

I used to clip coupons out of the Sunday paper but quit buying the paper. Those probably would have fooled me too :)

Glenda said...

Ginny, you make me smile!! I would have been fooled, too, I think! I don't have a dog, so I had no idea the type of foods they are served now.

Bobbie said...

hahahaha!! Oh Ginny, that was funny. Yep, looks pretty good.

Rose said...

I love soups all year long, too...some dogs are just lucky I guess.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Oh well, just cut those pet food coupons and bless somebody who does have a cat or dog with a surprise coupon. I used to do that when I subscribed to the paper. I still use coupons sometimes from the Internet or from magazines or store displays. Saves dollars for only a little time to clip and sort and remember to take to the store. Of course Internet store card loaded coupons could work too. Have a super good day tomorrow!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ginny, I used to love couponing---and would sit down every Sunday afternoon and clip ones to use at the grocery store. We would buy a newspaper every Sunday for me to do this...

When times got tougher, they quit offering most of the coupons I would use ---so we finally just quit buying that newspaper and I quit couponing. Oh Well!!!


Lynn said...

I mentioned on your Facebook page, that I have made this same mistake. They advertise this on tv and believe me, it does look good. That is when hubby lovingly pointed out it was DOG food. I give the coupons to my daughter. With three growing boys, she can use all the help she can get in keeping food in the house, hehe. Blessings.

Chatty Crone said...

Now that is funny Ginny - cute. sandie

Joanne said...

You made me laugh today. Thank you for that!!!
Blessings, Joanne


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...