Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Girls Who Wear Glasses

Ever since the girls were babies, they have had a fascination with wearing people's glasses, which usually means Phil's reading glasses. Whether they are on upside down, or just drawn on with marker, they love glasses. Which brings me to yesterday and my appointment with the eye doctor. I have worn glasses since I was nine, and I always joke that I am blind as a bat. But the truth is worse than that. Not only am I not 20/20, I was informed that my vision is 20/400. That makes me legally blind. Not to worry, they tell me, it is only a problem without my glasses. I keep two pairs, one as an emergency pair. How are YOUR eyes?? See you on Friday!

“For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known.”
1 Corinthians 13


Karin said...

Sorry to hear that you are considered legally blind. Do you then get excellent vision with your glasses? That's amazing. Can't imagine what it is like to have vision problems. So many of our dear seniors have problems with their eyes that just can't be fixed by surgery or glasses. But God has given you amazing insight and vision that others lack!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Ginny, I'm really glad you can see well with your glasses! I'm very nearsighted too and for many years I wore contacts. As I've gotten older, I couldn't see to read with my contacts and needed to wear reading glasses. So, I just decided to do away with contacts and wear glasses that are the progressives. I must say that I miss my contacts!

Annie Jeffries said...

I've worn glasses for about 20 years now. Trifocals for near, middle, and distance corrections. Can't wear contacts. When I don't wear my classes, my world is one big blur. I'm not legally blind and I'm sorry to read that it's that bad for you. Thank God for corrective lenses.

Reanaclaire said...

As I grow older, my shortsightedness improves but not with my longsightedness, it deepens! I guess my eyesight will never be back to normal.. :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ginny, Kids are fascinated with glasses... Cute pictures... Didn't know you were as 'blind as a bat' did you???? Well--now you know!!!! Glad you can see well with your glasses though..

I only need glasses to read with. Mine are from Walgreen's --and I have several pairs of them all over the house...


SquirrelQueen said...

Oh Ginny, the girls look so cute in all of those photos. Ella's drawn on glasses are just too funny.
I've never worn glasses and just recently passed the eye test to renew my driver's license.

BlueShell said...

Lovely to see...even if the glasses are upside down...LOL

I heard about the tornadoes (in the news) and about the huge fire in Colorado. Hope you are Okay!

ruma said...

Hello, Ginny.

  Your exquisite work leads my impression.
  The passion for the art.  It is universal.

  The prayer for all peace.

Have a good day. from Japan, ruma ❀

Marie said...

I like the pic where Ella or someone drew glasses on her cute face. :)
My eyes are started to bother me a little. Everyone told me this would happen in my forties.

Alice said...

Oh Ginny that is so sad to hear. With your love of all things beautiful, I pray the Lord will continue to make sure you are never without your glasses- and plenty of back up pairs!

MaryMoh said...

Oh my...the kids look so cute! Makes me laugh...haha. But so sorry to know that you are legally blind. Glad to know that you can still see with glasses. Please take care and God Bless.

Tanna said...

This is THE CUTEST group of photos!! LOVE the girls wearing glasses. Your vision sounds just like my daughter's! Bless your hearts. Mine is having the usual old age can't read without your cheaters syndrome!! Grrrr. ;)

From the Kitchen said...

I'm with Tanna--gotta have my reading glasses these days. Love the photos of the girls. At first, I didn't recognize Ella.


Nikki (Sarah) said...

Hi Ginny...I want to reach through the screen and squish these adorable little girls....I wear glasses too....but I have 20/20 when it comes to seeing Him. Have a great thursday

Rose said...

I am so glad glasses are an option that works for you!

Lorelei likes my glasses, too....I tell her she looks like a school teacher. She thinks it funny....

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I don't like wearing glasses so usually I'm in contacts. I ripped one at Type A Con and didn't have a backup so I was stuck wearing glasses the last day and it made me miserable!

The girls are so cute - look at the fun!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

if i take off my glasses everything in sight goes underwater blurred. don't know what it is without my glasses but with them i am 20/20. i keep all my old glasses, now have 4 pair. they are my back up. like if they get broken in a wreck, like they did 10 years ago, i have something to wear. i have one pair in my silver bo of papers that we are supposed to grab if we have to abandon our house, the glasses are in the box.

Anonymous said...


Ruth Kelly said...

Such little cuties. I, too, have worn glasses since I was 8 and probably needed them before that time. Last year I was examined by a doctor who told me that without my glasses that I was legally blind. Well, dah, that is why I wear glasses!

Mary Bergfeld said...

The pictures of the girls are really sweet and Phil is a patient grandpa :-). My eyes are not good. I lost my depth perception several years ago following a detached retina and at some point within the next two years I will have retinal replacement surgery. Hugs and blessings...Mary

RoeH said...

Honestly! Stupid computers. I was trying to leave a message and then it was swooped away from me so don't know if it was published or not. Anyway - I started glasses for reading at about age 40 and that progressed through the years and was quite alright. Then I couldn't see the music anymore on the organ and finally got glasses for that. I'm amazed at how clear the music is now. Distance is perfect. Hope it stays like that.

S. Etole said...

You certainly envision things well as you write and share images. The little girls look so full of happiness.

Chatty Crone said...

My son is legally blind too but his glasses fix him right up. The other 4 of us are near sighted too! My parents were far sited. Weird right?

Glad you could get yours!


Ann said...

I never needed glasses until I hit 30. I still don't wear them all the time. I can see fairly well except things are fuzzy at a distance and small print...forget about it. I need my readers for that

Ruth Hiebert said...

I have worn glasses since I was about 12 years old. I put them on even at night if I need to get up. Feel undressed without them.

Linda said...

Hi Ginny,

Your post has touched me deeply. I am sorry to hear that you are legally blind. I think you have a wonderful and positive attitude and your posts never fail to uplift me. Thank you so much for sharing.

Jeanne said...

Cute cute pictures! My husband had eye sight similar to yours but since his cataract surgery earlier this year he only needs glasses at the computer. When they removed the cataract they implanted a multi-focal lens that corrected his vision to almost 20/20. He is just loving it!
I'm like Betsy - Walgreen glasses is all I need - 4 in a pack for about $8.00

Deborah said...

What adorable pictures! I have horrible eye site too and I cant read or see hardly anything clear with out them. It has to be HUGE!!! to see without my glasses...
Have a great day Ginny!

George said...

I've always thought girls this age were very cute in glasses. Actually, I think most women look good in glasses, but I know that's not a popular opinion. I've worn glasses ever since I was in high school, and now wear trifocals. Oh, the joys of aging.

LC said...

I so enjoyed your photos of the little girls who wear glasses. I started wearing glasses at age 11. I am in the same range as you are!

photowannabe said...

Delightful photos of the two munchkins and their fascination with eyeglasses.
My eyes aren't perfect by any means but I can get along without my specks if I really had to.
I've been wearing them for about 25 years. It was so wonderful to actually read street sign before I got up to the street and to see the view from a distance.
Perfect verse to talk about vision.

photowannabe said...

I just read Cheryl's comment about contacts and glasses. That's what happened to me.
When I was in the Tour industry and had to keep looking from the map and notes to out the window, it made me nuts. On with the reading glasses and then off again.
I finally just gave up and got graduated lens so I coul do both.

Anonymous said...

I've been wearing glasses from the age of fifteen. I think I'm pretty ok. The power hasn't shot up over the years! Cute pictures of these angels with glasses!

Jenny Woolf said...

I hope that you get good vision with your glasses on. And what cute pics of the kids. Kids seem to love grown ups glasses and shoes!

LV said...

A great and adorable post. You do a super job with any subject to pick.

DawnTreader said...

I'm not sure what is 'legally blind' here. Without glasses I'd be lost for sure. I got my first pair at age nine or ten too.

Becky Jane said...

I've worn glasses since I was 13. Not as blind as you, my dear, but I ain't no spring chicken either...ha!

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

Well my eyes are so bad for reading that I need magnification and soon it will mean legally prescribed devices. I wear glasses on top of glasses and both over my eyes which already have implanted lenses!
My first pair of glasses came at the age of 6 because I was not able to see the chalkboard in school!
Our Buddy got his at age three. We saw the signs that he was struggling.
Glad to know your glasses work for you.


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...