Thursday, June 21, 2012

Summer And Smoke

Our first day of Summer this year with Ella turned out to be excellent. We got a surprise when we picked her up...her front tooth had finally come out, and she found out it made a dandy hole for a straw.

So we stopped by McDonald's to bring lunch home, can you guess what this is?

It's the toy that came with the Happy Meal. Their toys continue to get better and better. It sprouts wings when you push a button on the bottom. Ella calls it a pink fly. So he sat with us while we ate lunch

What is Ella looking up at? Well, a ladybug happened to fly by, perhaps entranced by the pink fly.

After lunch, we decided to go outside for awhile, and we spotted this wasp swimming in he birdbath. Also another one on the car, where they appear to be making a nest behind the headlight. Ella was suitably horrified by both events.

We then set off smoke bombs and blew bubbles in the smoke, to see if it would make them rise. It didn't.
We were soon driven in by he heat, where we played with the iPad, watched T.V. and colored. The end of a perfect summer day.

"Pay attention! Watch this wonder that God is going to perform before you now! It's summer, as you well know, and the rainy season is over.“
1 Samuel 12


Karin said...

Sounds like a lot of fun - except for watching the wasps! A nest of them can be quite annoying! Cute McD toy!!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Ella is really growing up now. What grade will she be in next year? I'm sure her parents really appreciate you and Phil taking care of her...

Why are her eyes red? Sunburn--or maybe face-painting now washed off... She's a cutie.

Anonymous said...

Ella looks happy to be rid of the loose tooth! She is a very blessed child to have you and Phil to care for her and entertain her.

SquirrelQueen said...

The three of you really know how to have fun on a summer day. I like Ella's idea of using the hole with the straw, that is so cute.

Reanaclaire said...

What a lovely girl.. you are really nice, Ginny.. always taking Ella along, I am sure she has a lot of fun with you and Phil... wonderful!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

did the tooth fairy come that night?

heheheh, smart Ella and her straw.

Tanna said...

Summer and smoke sounds like lots of fun to me!! Ella sure is a cute one!! I know you are enjoying your time with her! blessings ~ tanna

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Love that missing tooth! She is so cute.

Alice said...

Love the wasp in the bird bath:)

Marie said...

Ella is really sprouting! The days of the missing teeth are so silly! Aren't some of those toys just amazing?? You're right, they get better and better. Looks like everyone had a fun filled first day of summer. :) These are great pics of Ella and all your fun!

Anonymous said...

what a fun day, she's a sweetie with her little tooth out! Thats a great toy from Mickey D's.Have to check that one out,

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am suitably horrified with Ella over the wasp or yellow jacket. did you get rid of the nest? how do you set off a smoke bomb? did you buy it? Ella bella looks so cute with the missing tooth. glad you had a fun summer day

Cheryl @ TFD said...

She's such a cutie! Looks like she's having lots of fun!

Shug said...

Ella is so cute. With such a mild winter here, it has left us with lots of flying bugs. Looks like you all had a great day! Smoke bombs... Looks fun!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Seeing life through the eyes of a child makes everything so much more exciting.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

You had a great summer day...Ella has a cute missing tooth smile. The wasp pic is neat to see but I dont want to get that close to it

Beverly said...

I was wondering when you would see it. I was on Facebook on Tuesday night when David uploaded the photo. I called right away and his voice mail came on. I said I wanted to talk to Ella, so he called back. She was SO excited. She said she could hardly wait to show her friends at day camp.

I think you all are having hotter weather than we are here in Florida. We're getting a good bit of rain, which is good for us.

FilipBlog said...

Comparing the ladybug with the wasp. Hm, what is the most exiting? I will keep it safe and take the ladybug.


Linda said...

Great post and photos. I love your header.

George said...

It looks as if you got summer off to a great start.

Lynn said...

Ella, I adorable and I love it when they start to loose their baby teeth. She must be 6 or so? Our Kevin was 6 in January and has started loosing those baby teeth. I have to tell him about Ella and the place for a straw. That is good thinking! Such a wonderful day was had by all. Don't you love being grandparents? Blessings.

Lynn said...

Ella, I adorable and I love it when they start to loose their baby teeth. She must be 6 or so? Our Kevin was 6 in January and has started loosing those baby teeth. I have to tell him about Ella and the place for a straw. That is good thinking! Such a wonderful day was had by all. Don't you love being grandparents? Blessings.

Unknown said...

Can I be your grandchild? :) Sounds like a wonderful day and you caught some precious pictures - as usual! Ella is adorable!

Fred Alton said...

Oh what fun to have grandchildren around to brighten up our hot summer days! Ginny, you and Phil are spoiling them...but then that's your prerogative as grandparents. ☺

Ann said...

what a fun day. Well except for the wasp :)
I haven't had anyone to buy a happy meal for in a long time, I didn't realize they had such cute toys in them now.

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Ginny, that is a fabulous photo! Looks like y'all had a bunch of fun, good!

Chatty Crone said...

Sure you get the pretty pink flies and I get the yellow pokemons. Lol You have so much fin in one day. Love the straw though the tooth. sandie

Rose said...

This reminds me of a day with Lorelei!

momto8 said...

looks and sounds like a perfect day!! you are all lucky to have each other!


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...