Thursday, June 14, 2012

Birthday Celebration!

We had a fun filled birthday celebration yesterday. Phil's brother and family came and we all ate at Cracker Barrel, along with our son and his family. After dinner, we all went to their motel to swim in the big heated pool. Anne Marie is not the only little Chinese girl in our family, we have several, and her little cousins are just adorable!!! They have not learned to swim yet and were taking some pointers from Anne. Why are Phil and I not in the pictures? We did not get in the pool, we sat on the deck watching and laughing while I snapped the pictures. Next to last picture you see poor little Gabriella crying. She had taken quite a fall on the hard deck (she had been running after told not to, of course). But thankfully she was fine. And of course what would a birthday be without a card from Anne Marie? Wish I would have snapped the other side, she drew Phil wearing pink shorts!

“People of all nations, celebrate God! All colors and races, give hearty praise! And Isaiah's word: There's the root of our ancestor Jesse, breaking through the earth and growing tree tall, Tall enough for everyone everywhere to see and take hope! Oh! May the God of green hope fill you up with joy, fill you up with peace, so that your believing lives, filled with the life-giving energy of the Holy Spirit, will brim over with hope!”
Romans 15


Annie Jeffries said...

Happy times. The girls are adorable.

Unknown said...

It seems like the girls really enjoyed it, they are so cute.
Have a great day!

Tanna said...

Sweet, sweet celebration!!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

What a fun time! Love his card :-)

Mary Bergfeld said...

I knew it would be a special day :-). What a wonderful way to embrace one's 72nd year. Hugs and blessings...Mary

Rose said...

Glad she was okay...if you are like me, it hurts so bad to see them fall.

Looks like a good time was had by all.

Linda said...

Wonderful photos, just beautiful.

pam said...

Love all the joyous smiles.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Looks like you ha a lot of fun.

LC said...

Happy times indeed! And the scripture was so apt. The joy in your post made me think of one of my favorite songs from childhood, "Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world. Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in his sight."

Bobbie said...

I smiled throught this entire post.. oh, I just love seeing the little ones having fun. What a wonderful way for Phil to spend his birthday! Those girls (all three of them) are just TOO CUTE!! You and Phil have a great weekend Ginny!

Joanne said...

Awww what a fun time! The girls are just beautiful!...though I think I would have liked to have seen Phil in pink...even if it was just a drawing! ;0)
Blessings, Joanne

George said...

I would dearly love to see the picture of Phil in pink shorts. It looks as if everyone had a great time, even Gabriella.

Marie said...

Sounds like a lot of fun! Cracker Barrel is always yummy! Glad he had a fun birthday!

photowannabe said...

How fun to have family together and a chance to celebrate.
Love the shots and the drama.

FilipBlog said...

Swimming is always fun, even for adults like me.


Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Your girls look like my students, which of course, I am not allowed to take their photos.

I did a video of 4 girls and they are so cute.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

This is such a feel good post. These little girls are sweet as can be and yeah Phil....sounds like it was a great celebration

Anonymous said...

such a wonderful way to celebrate! Beautiful photos, sorry for the little girls fall, thankgoodness no harm done,

Ann said...

Well it looks like Phil had a very nice birthday celebration. Too bad we didn't get to see him in those pink shorts :)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, happy photos of family and the card from Anne Marie is priceless. Have a blessed father's day weekend.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Happy Birthday to Phil... Looks like ALL of you had a great celebration.. Love the little card that Anne made for him... Cute little girls--all cousins, playing together... SWEET!!!

Have a great weekend.

S. Etole said...

Looks like a great celebration with those cute little girls.

blushing rose said...

Adorable family photos, Ginny. Love the artwork.
Happy Pink weekend ~

Chatty Crone said...

I am not sure whose birthday it is - but happy birthday! You have a wonderful family there - always have fun and showing their love! sandie

Anonymous said...

Oh Ginny it looks like so much fun...I know you had a wonderful time and the sound of the celebration will echo in your heart forever

SquirrelQueen said...

A belated Happy Birthday to Phil!

The girls are all so sweet and adorable. It looks like everyone, except maybe Gabriella, had a wonderful time at the pool. Anne Marie's card is so sweet.

DawnTreader said...

Does look like they're having fun, and I bet you had too (without getting wet!)


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...