Monday, September 16, 2019


Our granddaughter's elementary school just put a new statue out front. Do you recognize him? It is the Road Runner! This used to be one of my favorite cartoons. Do you remember him? What was your favorite cartoon?

Road Runner, I am curious,
      You've got me wondering why
      You're always in a foot race,
      I've never seen you fly.
You run along the yucca ridge,
      And across the desert floor,
      You run and keep on running,
      And then you run some more...
~Harry Golden,


Hootin Anni said...

Looks like some road work done with the help of ACME.

Ann said...

I may be the exception to the rule but I always felt a bit sorry for Wile E Coyote.

Natalia said...

So fun!☺

Reanaclaire said...

Yes I do remember Road Runner, always on top of his speed! Those days, I like to watch Tom and Jerry, all disney cartoons, I am in!!

George said...

I always enjoyed Roadrunner cartoons. Thanks for the memories -- and the chuckle!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my brother loved Roadrunner, I have seen it to many times to count. never could figure out why he loved it so much. I used to sit and watch and think how dumb can a coyote be? I liked Mr. Magoo, and that Rooster that said I say, I say and I can't think of his name right now.. my favorit though was Tweety Bird and Sylvester.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it just occurred to me to wonder why they put Roadrunner in the yard of a school. is that a mascot maybe?

Chatty Crone said...

Cute my hubs loved the road runner too. He was always in a hurry and he probably didn't know why! lol

Nancy Chan said...

Also one of my favourite. Beep beep!

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

Ouch that huge rock is not well placed. Road Runner was not part of my life as we did not watch cartoons as kids.

LV said...

This was definitely my favorite.

LC said...

He was one of my favorites, too. Enjoyed the ode to the coyote at the end of your post, as well.

Tamago said...

That's a cool statue the school put out!
I like Sylvester and Tweety. They are so adorable :-)

The Feminine Energy said...

What a neat statue, Ginny. I wonder if all the kids even know who the Road Runner is? Love, Andrea xoxo

photowannabe said...

Love the RoadRunner statue. How fun.
I saw my very first Real RoadRunner near Las Vegas, NV a few years ago. He was so fast that my photo of him is mostly blur.

Ruth Hiebert said...

That's cool. I never had the chance to watch cartoons as a child, but when my son was growing up the Roadrunner was a regular one.

Rose said...

Oh, he was one of my favorites, too.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

I do remember him well, but do kids even watch those old cartoons anymore? Have they even heard of him? I think it's a really cool statue, bu am wondering what led the school to choose it.

DeniseinVA said...

I loved watching Wiley Coyote and the Road Runner cartoon. My Dad and I used to sit in front of the TV and laugh and laugh and laugh. Great post and love the humor in it. The new statue is perfect for an elementary school. I've also never seen that poem before and enjoyed reading it. Thanks Ginny :)

Sue said...

Indeed, I do remember him and was always pulling for him.

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