Monday, September 2, 2019

Fattening Up

Seeing this groundhog, we stopped right in front of him. He did not run, or even flinch! And we were very close. This is the first groundhog that has not run from us.

But I think I know why. Now that it is September, it is time to hibernate. He was eating as much as he could to last through the winter. He was concentrating on eating so much that he did not even care about us.

Speaking of fattening up, I went off my diet Saturday and Sunday. I binge ate my way through the weekend. Seemed like I had no control, however hard I tried. I am back on my diet today, with not to much weight gained from the slip. I sympathize with the groundhog. I wouldn't look up if I was eating ice-cream.

“Inside some of us is a thin person struggling to get out, but they can usually be sedated with a few pieces of chocolate cake.”
~Author unknown


Sue said...

Very interesting, Ginny, thanks for sharing.
I can so relate to binging, it seems this weekend that I couldn't get enough to eat, I was hungry all weekend, I am thinking it was because I wasn't busy with work, but was sitting and reading, ~smile~
Thanks for visiting, have a great week,

Natalia said...

He is so so cute ☺☺

Hootin Anni said...

It's only natural to 'slip' on routine ... you'll get back on track!

Ann said...

I wonder if the groundhog has heard the same thing I have about winter supposedly being really bad this year.
Good for you getting back on your diet. When I slipped I never went back.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

color me jealous!! I have never seen a ground hog except one in a zoo. he sure has enough fat to sleep through the winter... is his name PHIL???? ha ha sorry you fell off the wagon, prayers for getting back on it again.

George said...

I'll confess you're not the only one who went on an eating binge over the weekend. Now it's time to pay the piper!!

Ruth Hiebert said...

He looks fairly well fed already.

DeniseinVA said...

Very cute shots of the groundhog Ginny and I can so relate regarding the dieting. I also had a good chuckle at that quote!

photowannabe said...

Oh brother, do I know about going off the diet !!!
I am trying to loose a few more pounds before my Dr. visit on the 11th.
It seems when I have a goal like that I tend to sabotage myself..
I am determined to not do that this time.....
Love the groundhog.
I have never seen one in the wild before. Great analogy...
Love your quote at the end...too much truth to it.

Dianna said...

That is one adorably plump little groundhog!

The Liberty Belle said...

That groundhog is like I am when I have a piece of cake.

Sandi said...

I wonder if that is ordinary groundhog preparation or does he know something we don't know??

Buttercup said...

It's usually ice cream that sedates me. Had a few too many treats in Ottawa, but they were good. I'm back to Weight Watchers tomorrow and the gym. My treat time has to take a sabbatical!

Chatty Crone said...

I am with you - I need to diet tho. I did not know they hibernated. Learn something new every day. Good luck on your diet Gunny!

Chatty Crone said...

I guess I did know they hibernated - GROUNDHOG DAY!

DawnTreader said...

Oh, it's so easy to fall into that trap. With ice cream, I rarely keep any at home now. So that at least it will cost me a walk to go and get some!

LC said...

Nice up close and personal shots of this non-dieting mammal.

Rose said...

Oh, my, I have a thin person wanting out, too.

The Feminine Energy said...

A binge now & again does a body, soul, & spirit good, I believe. No worries! Love, Andrea xoxo


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