Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Howling

In the grocery store parking lot, we heard very loud baying and barking of dogs. You could hear it all over the parking lot. So we drove toward the sound, trying to find it. It led us to this truck.

The noise stopped, and this peeked out.

I have never seen a setup like this in a truck, maybe made just to hold dogs. The dog was quiet now, as he watched us.

It was not a hot day at all, and the dog seemed almost glad to see us. So I got the sense that he was just really lonely, and had separation anxiety. Buffalo Wild Wings is beside the grocery store, and the truck was parked in front of it. His owner was likely downing some wings and beer. Wonder if he could hear his pooches howls? Not wanting to disturb a trucker and his beers, we quietly drove away. A strange and sad encounter.

“Ever consider what pets must think of us? I mean, here we come back from a grocery store with the most amazing haul — chicken, pork, half a cow. They must think we're the greatest hunters on earth!”
~Anne Tyler


Ann said...

Well that's an interesting set up. At least they weren't locked inside the truck. Were there just the two of them in there?

crafty cat corner said...

This makes me sad.

Hootin Anni said...

Around here the cops would fine the owners for animal cruelty. They don't side with the owners. They protect the animals.

Rose said...

I am betting the owners were travelling somewhere...did you notice all the leashes?

Sue said...

Aww, he is so cute, I only hope he is loved and cared for. It looks like a hunters box.

Chatty Crone said...

Well he might be a part beagle - we had one for about three weeks until we gave her to a friend that could take it - I don't think the poor dog ever stopped howling - it was giving me a nervous breakdown! lol

DawnTreader said...

Great quote to go with the photos... LOL

LV said...

Another unusual and interesting situation. You are the best.

Tamago said...

I hope the doggy's human came back soon!
Love the quote :-)

Bobbie said...

Awe poor thing :-( Love the Anne Tyler quote!! lol

Terra said...

I sometimes think what Anne Tyler wrote, my dog and cat must think I am a mighty hunter when I return from the grocery store, or fill their food bowls.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I've seen a similar setup around here. to my knowledge the one her I used to haul racing/sled dogs around, but it seems strange to have them in there before winter.

The Feminine Energy said...

How very sad! Now why wouldn't someone like that just leave his dog at home, while he went for his beers? Ughhh... I'll never understand some folks. And what a contraption he's got set-up in the back of his truck. I'm guessing it has something to do with hunting... so I won't let my mind go any further. Love, Andrea xoxo

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I have never seen anything like this one, they are probably hunting dogs, I see 5 leashes and chains. I don't like it at all that they are left in the truck in a parking lot though... most hunting dogs I have seen were either loose in the back or in crates... I will not go into my hunting dog soap sermon

George said...

I've never seen a setup like this one. I think the dog was glad for some company, even if it was only for a short time.

Dianna said...

Funny you should mention this. My son and I went two places this morning, and at both places were perfectly safe but very sad and vocal dogs. :) Love that quote!

Sandi said...

If I had to guess, I would think those are hunting dogs and the driver made this little set-up to take them places to hunt.

LC said...

Lonesome hound was sad, but that unexpected quote surprised a laugh out of me.

Nancy Chan said...

The dog must be lonely and scared being left alone not knowing what is going to happen. Hope the dog is not ill treated.

DeniseinVA said...

Hi Ginny, first of all I LOVE that quote! I've often thought of what our dogs think of us. I wish I could speak dog :) I always feel sad to see a dog let in a car/parking area while their humans go do their errands, restaurants, shops. That's a neat contraption though, looks much safer than a dog riding in the back of a truck on its own, not tied up. I hope that sweet dog's owners came back soon after you left. I once saw a big dalmation jump out of a car's back window onto the road. Fortunately the car wasn't going fast and was just starting up again at a traffic light. Scared the dickens out of me but the driver quickly got out of the car, grabbed his dog and off they went, window closed!

L. D. said...

I don't think I am happy for the dog. I do hear little dogs in cars complain a lot even though the person is just dropping off a letter in the postal box.

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