Tuesday, September 17, 2019

I Wanna Swing From The Chandeliers!

We have made several visits to the city of Lexington. On this visit, we walked the streets of downtown.

I wanted to go in "The Red Hen" for a bite. But it was closed.

But a few doors down, we saw this shop, and it was open!

Among other unusual things, there were these chandeliers. They were my favorite.

“Jesus once again addressed them: “I am the world’s Light. No one who follows me stumbles around in the darkness. I provide plenty of light to live in.”
John 8:12


Linda said...

I love chandeliers! We even have one in our gazebo! I guess that's really the one and only one we have....
You find the most interesting places to visit and I am so happy you share them with us!
Thank you for the card and magazine I got in the mail today. I identified with every single article and read every single word! Thank you!!!

crafty cat corner said...

I love that multicolour one, I want it, lol

Hootin Anni said...

That first one is my choice! Gorgeous.

Ann said...

That last chandelier is very colorful. I love the brick sidewalk.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love the song Chandelier and I like the looks of chandeliers but I don't want one unless it comes with a maid that will clean and dust them. my aunt had a gorgeous one in her home and when it came time to clean it, wow what a job.... was the little red hen named Henny Penny? did you hear anyone say the sky is falling? love the bricks. wish I had been there with you

George said...

You sure find fascinating things to share with us.

Sandi said...

That last one is the most amazing! Love the verse too.

If you do swing from a chandelier, I hope you will post photos! Ha ha!!

Natalia said...

Lovely photos, this colorful one is so pretty ☺

LV said...

Wish I lived near you and we could roam the streets together.

Valeria Nest said...

Great post!
I like your blog so much!
Following you from now :)
I will be very happy if you follow me back :)

Have a good day!

My blog - https://valerianestt.blogspot.com/2019/09/7-elegant-fall-outfits.html

photowannabe said...

Like others have said, you really find some interesting things to see.
Colorful and interesting Chandeliers but I'm with Sandra..I sure don't want to clean them.
Terrific verse for your post.

Ruth Hiebert said...

As I was reading the title, I want to swing from the chandeliers, I couldn't help but think that if I tried that, not only the chandeliers, but the whole ceiling would come dow. Yeah, I'll just enjoy how pretty they look.

DeniseinVA said...

Wonderful! I love the chandeliers too :)

Dianna said...

What fun chandeliers! You found the perfect bible verse to accompany them too. :)

Chatty Crone said...

Jesus is the Light of the World - it says that multiple times in the bible - and that chandelier is the light of that store - I love it - maybe not in the dining room!

Rose said...

Looks like a good place to go...for photography if nothing else.

L. D. said...

Outstanding words from our Lord. You walk through some beautiful areas.

Nancy Chan said...

I like chandeliers but they are not easy to clean.

Carla from The River said...

I like the chandeliers. I just love all that you share with us.

Sue said...

I love day trips like this,Ginny. the chandeliers are pretty.
I am so thankful for that Light.
Have a great day,

LC said...

What fun, along with reassuring truths from the book of John.


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