Sunday, September 15, 2019

Last Night

Yesterday evening we went out in hopes of a last chance to snap the Full Harvest Moon. Alas, it was too cloudy. But we saw something even better. It started with a wide yellow band.

Then the birds came out. Perhaps Chimney Swifts, circling round and round the chimneys.

The color quickly changed from yellow to pink and blue.

On the way home, one quick glance in the rear view mirror.

“Don’t forget: beautiful sunsets need cloudy skies.”
Paulo Coellio


MadSnapper n Beau said...

the one in the rear view mirror looks like a piece of art. it has shapes and sky and the light bars, LOVE IT. the skies are spectacular, much pretty than any moon I ever saw. wow.

Chatty Crone said...

I sound like a broken record - but I mean it each and every time - that was a masterpiece!

Ann said...

Even cloudy sunsets are beautiful in your area

Ruth Hiebert said...

WOW! Gorgeous shots and such intense color.

Sandi said...


LC said...

Your sky photos always refresh my spirit with reminders that God continually blesses us with beauty in the world all around us. And the quote was spot on as another reminder that he brings beauty out of clouds whether atmospheric or emotional.

Rose said...

I need to attempt to start getting out later in the evening...your views make me miss doing that so much. They are so pretty.

DeniseinVA said...

Oh wow, so beautiful! I also need to go get those skies. You did a great job of capturing them.

Anni said...

Stellar sky photos Ginny!

Carol said...

I was able to catch the sight of the full Harvest Moon although we did have clouds. I could not sleep so I spent a lot of time watching the moon.

Nancy Chan said...

Gorgeous photos of the sunset. Beautiful colours.

Tamago said...

What a beautiful sky! Change of colors is amazing. Great quote to appreciate the cloudy sky :-)

photowannabe said...

Magnificent !!!
God's Handiwork.


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