Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Wheelchairs For Turkeys

I saw in the newspaper that they are making wheelchairs for turkeys now. Don't believe me? Take a look.

Gracie Lou, a turkey at a wildlife sanctuary, is walking with a hobble. They sent out a plea for donations on Facebook, and got $600.00 right away. The chair is expected to cost around $500.00. Some animal wheelchairs even have air filled tires to help them move over grass, gravel, etc. Having never seen a wild turkey before, here is a turkey cookie I made.

Seems that all kinds of  physically challenged animals have been outfitted with wheelchairs.  Some include dogs, cats, squirrels, goats, deer, pigs, ferrets, and more. I guess Gracie Lou will not become Thanksgiving dinner any time soon. Thoughts? 

Radical historians now tell the story of Thanksgiving from the point of view of the turkey. ~Mason Cooley


DeniseinVA said...

I have seen wheelchairs for other animals, like dogs and goat and it seems big business for the wheel chair makers. Never heard of a turkey needing help before but if people want to donate I say go for it. In experimenting and researching with smaller wheelchairs for animals, maybe someone will discover something to better help a human being.

Natalia said...

Interesting! I love that cookie idea☺

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

well I never Wheelchairs for Turkeys! Love your cookie Ginny. Have a good day.

Ann said...

Well that's a well cared for turkey. I can't believe how expensive it is to make the wheelchair though.
Your cookies are adorable.

Hootin Anni said...

Love the cookie! So cute.

As for helping animals in any way, I'm all for it...as crazy as it sounds.

Tamago said...

I've seen wheelchairs for cats and dogs but not for turkeys. It's wonderful those people help Gracie Lou! She is a lucky turkey!
I love your adorable turkey cookie :-)

George said...

That turkey cookie looks too good to eat. IIt's amazing what animals have been benefited with the help of wheelchairs.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

all I can say is I never heard of it before and no turkey I had would ever get a 500 dollar wheel chair. NEVER! give the 600 to a child that needs a chair. just going to far.. the turkey cookie would need a wheel chair if I could eat cookies. ha ha

Nancy Chan said...

Yummy cookie! Have a happy day!

Chatty Crone said...

I will sound awful here - but there are a lot of kids out there that need a chair too.

Ruth Hiebert said...

That would look rather interesting -- a turkey with a wheel chair.

DawnTreader said...

I agree with Sandra, to me that's taking the love of animals too far.

photowannabe said...

I saw that on FB the other day...crazy....
I'm with Sandra...give your money to a more worthwhile cause.
I do love your turkey cookie though...especially with the candy corn.

LC said...

Your little turkey makes me want to gobble, gobble. Yum!

Rose said...

The Turkey is a funny bird
Its head goes wobble, wobble
It only knows one word--
Gobble, gobble!

Sandi said...

I wonder if it confuses the turkeys that some of them get little chairs and others get, well, served with cranberry sauce.

The Feminine Energy said...

I'm not much into wheelchairs & prosthetics for animals. They don't understand, for one thing, and number two, those types of things cause sore spots that the animals can't explain. I think compassionate euthanasia is the way to go, when an animal has no mobility. Those are my thoughts, as you asked. <3 Love, Andrea xoxo

Sue said...

I don't know how it works for that turkey we have three and they are very hard to manage, especially when they get out and don't won't to go in their pens.~smile~
I am glad that animals are being help though.
Have a blessed day.

Sue said...

oops, I forgot, your turkey cookies is so pretty, and I bet delicious too!

Linda said...

Hi Ginny, Nice decor for your home. Happily we did not have Hurricane Dorian hit us here in Central Florida where I now live. My hubby and I decided to evacuate ahead and we ended up in Eufala, Alabama. It is a lovely little old South town with Victorian homes and the Eufala National Wildlife Refuge. Saw a few birds and a nice little family of wild pigs trotting along the road (no pictures since I was not quick enough with getting my camera out and ready). Have a wonderful coming weekend!


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