Thursday, September 5, 2019

Volleyball Grandma!

I have just become a volleyball Grandma, and am proud as punch! This year, Anne Marie is on her school soccer team. The first game was tonight.  She came in at the end, scored FOUR points for her team, and won them the game!!! She never stopped smiling. Neither did I.

Of course her sisters Jazz & Dara were there. I may have sneaked them in some unicorn cookies!

The umpire, not a young man, had to stand on this ladder the entire time.

Anne Marie serving.

And at the net.

Anne & me after the game.

“Volleyball: Invented by men, perfected by women.”
Author unknown


DeniseinVA said...

Way to go Anne Marie :) Great action photos Ginny and love the one of you with Anne Marie and the others of Jazz and Dara. Your granddaughters are beautiful!

The Feminine Energy said...

I don't think that's soccer... it's volleyball... but still fun to watch! Our granddaughter plays soccer but I think I'd rather her play volleyball as that's always played indoors. Soccer games are never cancelled for weather except if there's lightning. Ugh! Beautiful pictures... such happiness abounds. Love, Andrea xoxo

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Well whatever the game, well done Anne Marie. Have a wonderful weekend.

Hootin Anni said...

Volleyball Ginny. That was one of my favorites when in gym class long ago. It's good to see the smiles (and cookies!)

Natalia said...

What a fun day! ☺

Reanaclaire said...

Well done, Ann!! She is such a beautiful lady now.. sweet too!!

Ann said...

Way to go Anne Marie. I was never very good at volleyball. I predict a fun season for all of you

MadSnapper n Beau said...

congratulations to Anne and her team and to you for being a soccer grandma.. Anne Marie is a beautiful young woman now, I still have trouble realizing she is no longer a little girl

George said...

Congratulations to Anne Marie and to you!

Chatty Crone said...

That is so sweet - you are such a wonderful grandma. Anne got so big it is hard to believe!

Nancy Chan said...

Well done, Anne Marie! Congrats for the win!

Tamago said...

Wow, Anne Marie is amazing! Congratulations on the great game! Loved seeing her in action and beautiful smile :-)

DawnTreader said...

You had me puzzled with the "soccer" but the quote at the end (volleyball) I think sorts it out...

photowannabe said...

Love that you are the Grandma with the most...what ever the game. Great captures of their win.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Those grandchildren appreciate the presence of a grandparent at a game.

Rose said...

Every time I see Anne Marie I am amazed at how grown up she seems...they grow up just too fast, don't they? (I have a lot of senior moments, and I have no excuse)


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