Monday, January 13, 2020

Off - Take A Bath

I will be off from blogging on this Tuesday to be with my best friend as she has surgery. We saw this 19th century bathtub at an antique mall. It had been glass topped and turned into a coffee table. Would you ever have it? It was $12,000.

"Sometimes all a woman needs is bubbles, and for everyone to shut up."


Nancy Chan said...

That is a nice antique bathtub but I don't think I want to use it as a coffee table. You will be a great company and comfort for your friend.

Ann said...

Clever use of the antique tub but it wouldn't be my style for a coffee table. I'm also far too cheap to pay that much money for a coffee table.
Best wishes to your friend as she has her surgery.

Hootin Anni said...

No way. As a kid, I cleaned those claw tubs 'cause I was the only one who could fit under to scrub. I hated 'em then, and hate 'em now.

Best thoughts during the surgery.

NanaDiana said...

LOL on the quote at the end. I did have an outdoor bathtub at our last house. It was fun for the kids-you could soak and look at the bay.
If you send me your direct email I can send you a picture of the California shed style. I won't share your email with anyone. Mine is
Praying for your friend's surgery. xoDiana

George said...

Interesting, but I think I'll save my money.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love those old tubs, but would not want it as a table. besides which, it is the size of my living room. I do like to wander and look at things like this. prayers for your safe trip over the mountain and for your friends surgery.

Rose said...

No, not my still...even if I liked it, it would be way too big for my house.

Tamago said...

What a fun idea to turn a bathtub into coffee table. But it’s way too expensive for me :-)
I hope your friend’s surgery will go well xo

LC said...

Even if I weren't dealing with effects from my stroke, I would never want to clean one of those again. There was one in the old house my parents bought when I was 12. At that age I had to practically get into it to clean it. Became a little easier as I grew taller, but was still an onerous chore. The second bathroom, added on by former owners, was more modern and a much easier job.
And no, no tub coffee table in our house. No room and definitely not our style or budget.

photowannabe said...

Oh good grief...beautiful old tub but no I wouldn't use it for a coffee table.
You find the craziest things to post.

DeniseinVA said...

I wish your best friend well during her surgery. No doubt she will appreciate you being there for her. As for the bathtub, not my cup of tea, definitely for that price, or any price. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder I know. I have seen several antique bathtubs with claw feet that I like. Not this one though.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Cool idea, but no, it would never be in my home. Just not my style, not to mention that it is much too big and too expensive .

Tanya Breese said...

I love the bath tub but would not want it as a coffee table! Prayers for a smooth surgery ๐Ÿ™

Chatty Crone said...

I hope your friend is okay.

$12K - no I would not spend 12¢ on it - lol.

Buttercup said...

Not in No-Spending January! Or probably any other month. That's well out of my budget for a coffee table or probably any other piece of furniture. I use an old chest my parents used in their den for a coffee table. Priceless. Prayers for your friend's recovery.

Sandi said...

$12,000 to put someone's used, dirty bathtub in your living room...ugh... Art is weird.

"Sometimes all a woman needs is bubbles, and for everyone to shut up."


About Face

 We came upon this at an art park. Each of the sides is different. And the cut-out part is also in the shape of a face. There's nothing ...