Friday, January 17, 2020

Purple Haze

How did it go with my computer today? I'll tell you on Monday. But now, let's relax with some purple. What is the first thing you think when you hear the word purple? I think of richness and royalty, which I have none of here.

And what would a purple post be without purple potties?

The morning-glories on the wall
Fling out their purple trumpets to the wind

~Elizabeth Chase Akers Allen 


Buttercup said...

What fun pictures! I love the purple flip flops.

Chatty Crone said...

Girl you made everything purple - even your blog page - I love it. Purple was a royal color in Jesus's time. It was expensive and always meant royalty of some sort - and your blog and all the purple things are beautiful.
Looks like you are doing great!

crafty cat corner said...

Those roses over the arch reminded me of home. We had the exact same roses all along the trellis between the gardens.
I have never been a purple person, red and yellow are my preferred colours.

Hootin Anni said...

Purple is one of my favorite colors!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my first ever viewing of Purple Potties and for some reason they made me start singing the Purple People Eater song.. One eyed, one horned, flying purple people eater. my sons wife would love this post. her house has purple in every room. they even got married in purple. she had a purple lace dress and he had a purple jacket. they got married on their back porch.

Ann said...

Well the last thing I would have associated purpl with was a porta Love the purple flip flop and that arch is gorgeous.

Rose said...

Beautiful shots...cant answer about purple cause you have me thinking Jimi Hendrix with your title. Followed by Purple Rain...

George said...

You've found some beautiful purples, although I must admit that the purple potties are a first for me.

photowannabe said...

Now, that's a new one for me...Purple Potties...
Where in the world do you find this stuff??
Love it.
Beautiful morning Glories too.

DeniseinVA said...

What a great series of purple pics Ginny, and I love those purple flower flip-flops :)

Ruth Hiebert said...

I enjoyed viewing your purple pretties.

Tamago said...

What I think of from the word purple is “elegant”! I enjoyed your purple photos, especially those beautiful flowers. Purple potties are quite eye catching :-)

Sandi said...

Now I have that guitar rift stuck in my head! Thanks.

Purple porta-potties! Really??


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