Saturday, January 11, 2020

The Gas & The Brake

This is our local credit union. A lovely big building on a hill.

We were next door at Goodwill when we saw lots of fire engines and police cars in front of the credit union. So we pulled over and watched. Presently several men led an old lady away. Then this is what we saw.

It wasn't too hard to figure out. She was likely parked right in front, and hit the gas instead of the brakes. Knocking the pillars out from under the building.


Rose said...

I hope no one was seriously hurt...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

with our population 70 percent seniors, this happens here at least several times a week. 2 years ago, there were 2 seniors killed, by a senior who was backing out of the parking spot at the church, she backed out and hit the gas thinking she was going forward, there were 3 women walking and she mowed them all down. it is a big problem here. even though I am a senior and don't want to be tested, I think we need to look at senior drivers more carefully.
when my dad was 90 we found out he was driving to church, getting out and asking a member to pull his car in the parking space and after church getting someone to back it out. we took the keys and sold the car. 99 percent of the time when this happens here it is a senior

MadSnapper n Beau said...

forgot to say that is a really nice building and the yellow makes it cheerful

Hootin Anni said...


crafty cat corner said...

It's easy to do isn't it, especially if you have the wrong kind of footware on. Poor lady, I hope she is okay.

George said...

Unfortunately this sort of thing happens entirely too often. I'm glad no one was seriously hurt.

Chatty Crone said...

You know my mom did that once - right in front of our house in the driveway - I am not sure how she had parked in the middle of it - but she went forward and the post in the middle of the two garage doors - went in and it was a big job! Accidents happen I suppose.

Tanya Breese said...

Oh no...poor lady 🙁

Carol said...

I hate to hear of accidents like this, but it seems that they happen often. I am extremely sorry to hear of it, but I pray that she is okay.

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

My mom did that in her 40’s and gave up driving. Hubby did a backup and hit a car and tree years ago. When police came they roared with laughter sa it seemed like a very funny scene. Hubby was devastier but no one was hurt. He had no issues with insurance.

Sandi said...

Oh no! Hope everyone was all right.

Sue said...

It sounds like no one was seriously hurt, thank the Lord, i hear of this happening fairly often, I hope with my forgetfulness lately that I don't forget to brake.
Your Credit Union is a lovely building, hope there was not to much damage.

photowannabe said...

Like others have said, this happens around here more often too.
I pray that I don't have memory lapses like that and forget what I am doing.
Old age can be so difficult.
Pretty building for the credit Union.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I can understand how that could happen.

Ann said...

That's happened more than once around here. Just not too long ago someone drove into the wall of the post office and took out a big window they had. I hope the driver wasn't hurt.

Carla from The River said...

Oh my.. hope all is well.
We had that happen not long ago in our little town. The person drove into the barber shop!

Tamago said...

Oh that’s scary. I hope there was no injury.

Buttercup said...

So sad to see this. Hope the driver isn't too shaken up.

Nancy Chan said...

I hope the old lady nor anyone is hurt. It happens here too, by drivers young and old. Some lives were lost due to such accidents.

LC said...

That's why I haven't balked about not driving post stroke. My arms and legs don't always react with the speed, accuracy or direction that I want them to. Elderly acquaintances from my childhood had such accidents, one with fatal results for the elderly driver, a former Sunday School teacher and pianist in my class when I was four years old.

About Face

 We came upon this at an art park. Each of the sides is different. And the cut-out part is also in the shape of a face. There's nothing ...