Wednesday, January 8, 2020

The Deer

There were a lot of deer as decorations this Christmas. Here are some in the neighborhood. In my next post, I will be showing you a different kind of deer. This one is so elegant!

This is the same deer as above, but lit up at night.

At the foot of the cross.

With Santa's sleigh.

Another one with the sleigh, only there seems to be a deer in the driver's seat!

A family of deer.

This one has a fancy leather looking collar.

“The lame man will leap up like a deer, and those who could not speak will shout and sing! Springs will burst forth in the wilderness, and streams in the desert.”
Isaiah 35


LC said...

Wow! Lots of electrifying deer in your neighborhood. Sorry, couldn't resist. Love that scripture verse.

Chatty Crone said...

I liked how you concentrated on the deer - and found something new in each picture.

Ann said...

I like all of these. For the longest time I wanted deer like the ones in the 4th picture down but I could never get my husband (at the time) or my brother to make me any.

Natalia said...

So cute, love all of those!

Hootin Anni said...

I like the deer family best. I think.

Rose said...

Some of these are very attractive...very nice.

Sue said...

Beautiful deer decorations you have shared, Ginny, would you believe of all our outdoor decorations I have yet to have a deer, but would love to, especially since we have live deer on our farm, lots offer.
I love the book of Isaiah, this is such a beautiful verse, thank you for sharing. I once had a wonderful devotional entitled, "Streams in The Dessert".
Thank you for visiting me, and for your sweet comment. I love the mountains, but live in the flatlands,this devotional has beautiful photos as well as great thoughts. We are enjoying it so much. I have been lax in blogging, our new year is keeping us so busy with the lambing, and preparing for my husband's surgery in two weeks. Please keep us in prayer.

Tanya Breese said...

Love them all but especially the one at the foot of the cross!

George said...

I woouldnt mind having these deer around at all -- they wouldn't eat the roses!

Tamago said...

Beautiful deer decorations! The first one is elegant indeed. Love the look both day and night :-)

photowannabe said...

Wow, people really decorate in your neck of the woods.
We saw very little do-dads around this year. Lots of house lights though.
I like the elegant deer.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Some of these look quite elegant.

Carol said...

These are such beautiful decorations! We used to have a couple of deer hat we set up that lit up, but I guess we got rid of them.

Carla from The River said...

I like the elegant ones .. very pretty.

Buttercup said...

So enjoy seeing all of the neighborhood decorations. Thanks for the tour.

Sunday Sunset