Sunday, November 22, 2020

Encased In Glass

 We saw these at different glass exhibits. I don't know how the glass blowers can get these things inside the glass! Do you have a favorite? Would you buy one?

When you look at a piece of delicately spun glass you think of two things: how beautiful it is and how easily it can be broken.

Tennessee Williams


micheal pan said...
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Ann said...

Amazing. It's fascinating how they can do these. As pretty as they are I wouldn't buy one because it would be just another item that would collect dust in my house

Hootin Anni said...

I love everything glass, but I probably wouldn't buy.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

They are so beautiful and I don't know how they make them either and that you know how much I love glass. No I would not buy any of these but there is one got to clear glass with the red swirls in it that's just above the first round ball. I love that one the rest of them are pretty but I would not want one. But I'm sure I would find a lot of things in that place that I would love to have

George said...

These are really beautiful.

Jeanette said...

Those are very pretty. Interested to know how the make them also. Must be from the inside out I think.

Martha said...

I don't buy that kind of stuff, but they sure are gorgeous!

Rose said...

They are unique and beautiful...I was going to say I would not buy one till I saw the balls, and yes, I would buy one of those because they are small enough to fit in here.

The Feminine Energy said...

Oh how pretty! I think I'd buy one of the circular paper weights. But everything is gorgeous! ~Andrea xoxo

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Now I need to look up, how they do it!!!!!!!!!


Ruth Hiebert said...

Each one has beauty. It must take a lot of skill to make those.

Carla from The River said...

I like the third from the bottom.. a neat ball.. like a marble.
Happy Thanksgiving my friend.

DawnTreader said...

My brother and I visited several glassworks on our road trip back in the summer of 2018, driving through the county of Småland (in Sweden) which is known for its many industries of that kind. I did buy a few items but only small ones as my home is already pretty full of stuff...

Inger said...

I like the balls. But all of it is pretty gorgeous. Sweden has a great history of creating fine glass at places such as Kosta and Orrefors. So I really like to see works of art in glass.

Mari said...

Those are so cool! I really like the balls. I probably wouldn't buy them, because it's something to set around again, but it's fun to see.

NanaDiana said...

It's gorgeous. My brother worked for Corning glass works and I have a beautiful piece of Steuben glass-a blown vase. xo Diana

CheerfulMonk said...

I like the first one best. I love looking at them, but I'm trying to get rid of things now.

Jenny the Pirate said...

I love glass and although I have too many "layabouts" already that need dusting, I would buy one of those paperweights! I love those kind of paperweights. I have one that has been in our family for nearly 60 years. xoxo

DeniseinVA said...

Very pretty! I am always drawn to glass but at this stage of my life I would not buy them, just admire them.

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