Thursday, November 26, 2020

Let's Watch The Parade!

 Did you see the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade? If not, you are in luck. Because we DID! Here are my favorite parts, so come and watch with me. They started with a turkey, which was the first float at the first ever parade. Of course, not this exact same one.

And another turkey, they had quite a few.

My very favorite was this unique elephant.

And get a load of this green outfit! My eyes bugged out! It was celebrating Carnival in tropical lands.

Here you can see that a person was actually wearing this and walking around in it!

This is the first time I have EVER seen the Rockettes without their signature bare legs! And no high kicks!

And finally, Dolly Parton. Wearing a lovely knee length fringed and bejeweled dress.

So there you have it, the blog version of the parade. Too bad I can't do the same for Black Friday.

"Holiday binge-buying has deep roots in American culture: department stores have been associating turkey gluttony with its spending equivalent since they began sponsoring Thanksgiving Day parades in the early 20th century."

Adam Davidson


Anne M Robinson said...

We did not watch the parade this year. FIrst time in forever. We had so many things to do but our THANKSgiving 2020 was perfection. We all agreed. Yes, that selfie was Avery & I. Glad you stopped by. ALways nice to see smiling faces from across the miles. XO XO

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Looked like a lot of fun

Ann said...

When I turned the tv on I only saw clips from past parades. I didn't realize they actually did one this year..Thanks for posting it.

Ella said...

I didn't know you guys are organizing a Thanksgiving parade!
I hope you enjoyed it!

Nancy Chan said...

I am sure it was a beautiful Thanksgiving parade. Its been many years since I last saw a parade. How wonderful to be able to see Dolly Parton in person!

Martha said...

I didn't even think they were having the parade this year until I saw something about how tiny it was online. Glad you were able to see it and hope you were in a safe place while you did. Thanks for sharing with us!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I stopped watching parade many years ago about the time I got internet haha. But there really were some interesting things and I don't know how that person is walking around in that costume but it's really really beautiful and I'm glad you showed us all these things because they're well worth looking at.

The Feminine Energy said...

Parades have never been "my thing" but I enjoyed these pictures, Ginny. Thank you for posting them. ~Andrea xoxo

George said...

We missed the parade this year. Thanks for sharing your highlights.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

WOW! Some of those colors are wild for this time of the year! I was busy in the kitchen as usual and it was all worth it!

Linda said...

We watched some of it on TV but had to leave before Dolly Parton was on!! Glad you got a pic for us!!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Rockettes with no bare legs or high kicks????!!!!!!!!!??????

Oh mercy!!!! Did their Signature Look, get *Cancelled* by the *Cancel Culture*?????

Ya'know... Like bare legs and high kicks, on women, is *Demeaning* or some such. LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL


Tamago said...

I didn’t watch the parade so thank you for your post :-) The green outfit is quite eye catching! Cute turkeys and elephant. Looks like it was a great parade :-)

Ruth Hiebert said...

Parades are always fun to watch, whether on tv or in reality .

Rose said...

I did not watch but this would have been fun to see. I love that elephant and love Dolly.

CheerfulMonk said...

Thank you! I've never seen it...never watched it in the past, and for several years now we haven't had TV reception.

Sandi said...

We watched the one from 1987 on You Tube. 😂 I wasn't in the mood for modern times. Ha ha!!

Dolly looks FABULOUS!

DeniseinVA said...

Thanks for sharing these Ginny. I missed the parade!!! I watch it every year and for some reason I forgot all about it this year. I have always been a fan of Dolly Parton, such a neat lady. That green costume, I was amazed that there was a person under all that. I wonder how much it weighed? All the floats are so impressive and beautiful!

Jenny the Pirate said...

I didn't even tune in because I thought they'd cancelled it! Haaahaha oh well ... it wouldn't have been the same without the people lining the route, freezing to death. That green thing is outrageous. xoxo

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