Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Strangely Predictive Art

 This was at a student art exhibit at the local community college. I had forgotten about it till I happened upon the pictures a few minutes ago. I snapped this years ago! So it kind of gave me chills to see it now. It could be titled "In The Time Of Covid". Wish I could talk to the artist, it's like they were predicting the future. It was in a glass case, so there are reflections.

Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth. ~Oscar Wilde


Nancy Chan said...

It is really amazing. It would be interesting if you can talk to the student. Yes, In the time of Covid" will be a good and suitable title for that piece of art.

Ella said...

Damn covid ... has reached the arts too!
I hate him!

Ann said...

It would be interesting to know what the artists thoughts were at the time and even more interesting to know what he/she thinks of this piece today.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Oh wow! It’s interesting to notice that the human is empty except for the mask. I wonder if the artist knew at the time what a pain it would be to wear a mask and glasses...they always fog up.

crafty cat corner said...

Sorry Ginny, this gave me the colly wobbles, I don't like much, but each to their own.

Rose said...

How strange...I wonder if their thoughts was a robbery?

The Feminine Energy said...

This is BEYOND cool, Ginny. Cool and very definitely eerie, for sure! ~Andrea xoxo

Martha said...

It gave me the chills too! I sure wish you could talk to the artist too.

Hootin Anni said...

Ginny, I'm here to wish you a happy Thanksgiving.

Beside a babbling brook... said...


Love the Oscar Wilde quote!

Love a lot of Oscar's quotes! I have a little book of them. Maybe I should 'dust it off.'

🍗 ✨ 🍗

Inger said...

I too love the quote. And the exhibit gave me a chill. It would be interesting to find out the thoughts behind it.

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

How quickly the glasses caught my attention right away as vision is my biggest handicap these days. It was reading the text that made look again and see the mask. I imagine that the art suggestS look but speak carefully about you see. Covid only came to my attention from your words. I can imagine your speculation and the piece today does have the Covid vibe. Interesting post for sure.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

wow, and now I wonder what the artist was thinking way back then, it is totally appropriate for our lives now

Jenny the Pirate said...

Hmmmmmm ... except, most folks wear their mask beneath their nose, and some (many) on their chin, or hanging from an ear. That's after they've grubbed around for it in a pocket, or a purse, or hanging from the rear-view, where I'm *sure* it's oh-so-sanitary. No thanks. But Happy Thanksgiving! xoxo

George said...

It would be nice to know (I think) about some of the artist's later works.

photowannabe said...

Makes one wonder, doesn't it?

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Ginny, you asked for the Newman's Creamed Potatoes recipe. But you are a No-Reply Blogger, and have no email addy link, on your profile page. So I can't......

When you asked, I tried to reply to you, telling you the history of this recipe.

Now I realize, that you never even got that.. Because of being a No-Reply Blogger.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

It certainly does make me wonder....:)jp

Ruth Hiebert said...

That is most interesting .

CheerfulMonk said...

Very appropriate. 🙁

DeniseinVA said...

Fascinating work of art. Very interesting about the mask.

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