Thursday, November 12, 2020

The Ginkos

The Ginko trees are turning colors now.  Did you know they are the only tree left in their species, and are 270 million years old! So they are considered living fossils.

They are native to China, and were the first trees to come back after the atomic bomb was dropped. The memory drug Ginko Biloba  is made from the dried leaves. I like how the leaves are shaped like little fans.


Susan said...

Interesting facts about the Ginkgo tree ! I learned about that tree while playing Farmville. I enjoyed the pictures tonight.

Hootin Anni said...

I read that in science class long ago. They are unique ... as are the catalpa trees (another I find pretty unique). Great photos Ginny.

Nancy Chan said...

Beautiful yellow ginkgo tree. I wonder if it is the same tree where the ginkgo nuts come from.

Ann said...

Wow, they're gorgeous. That bright yellow color is very showy.

Martha said...

So interesting and such a gorgeous tree!

George said...

What beautiful trees. I'm glad they have survived all these years.

Rose said...

All I know is that they are so beautiful...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

That's amazing! And I did not know any of this even though I have seen you show the beautiful yellow leaves and the that look like sand many times but never knew about the bomb thing and also that they are are living fossils! I bet they are amazing when the wind blows and all those little fans are waving in the breeze

Chatty Crone said...

We have two near us and I love them - did not know the history of them tho.

retirementdaze said...

Am back online and happy to see you are still posting delightful sights and words!

DawnTreader said...

I've heard of the tree but never knew what it looks like - nor did I know all those facts about it. Wow!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

So pretty!!!!


jp@A Green Ridge said...

Gorgeous!! I wonder if they'd survive the cold up here. I'm going to check!...:)jp

Ruth Hiebert said...

Beautifully shaped leaves and such brilliant gold color. WOW1

Mari said...

They are so pretty and I love that yellow.

Carla from The River said...

WOW, what a lovely yellow. And so very pretty. Thank you for the history fact too, I like when you share fun facts.

CheerfulMonk said...

Thank you for the education. Hurray for them!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I didn’t know all that information about Ginko trees. I do love the yellow colour though. So pretty.

photowannabe said...

Fascinating history I didn't know anything about. they sure are a beautiful yellow.
Thanks for sharing.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

interesting post about the Ginko tree. I did not know any of that.
The photos are spectacular. So beautiful.

Shug said...

We only have a few of these trees in our area. they are absolutely gorgeous. Being in the tree business..I love to hear about trees...

Tamago said...

I enjoyed reading about ginkgo trees. What strong trees they are! And I enjoyed your beautiful photos. Amazing colors!

DeniseinVA said...

Beautiful and interesting! One I remember at this time of the year was in Williamsburg, VA. The leaves were such an interesting shape. Interesting information from Mr. Nakanishi.

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