Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Mystery Bug

Every once in awhile, one of these bugs crawls across the couch. Only the couch, nowhere else. I have not been able to identify it. Maybe one of you can help me? They are tiny, smaller than a ladybug. I used my macro setting, and edited the pictures to make them as clear as I could. They are making me nervous!

“I don't care how small or big they are, insects freak me out.”

 Alexander Wang


Linda said...

No clue but I would be nervous sitting on the couch!! Have y'all turned it over to see if there are nests under there?? Spray it down with big spray! I can tolerate some bug but we have those bif fat black BIG evil looking water giant Texas roaches!! I can't STAND them and I do have stories to tell!!

CheerfulMonk said...

They would freak me out too. We've had bedbugs twice and managed to get rid of them, but they are gross!!!

Nancy Chan said...

If it is confined to the couch, then I will thoroughly check the whole couch to see if any more is hidden away. Hope the bugs won't cause itchiness or allergy.

Hootin Anni said...

Hmmm, only on the couch. I'd be buying a new couch then. I haven't the foggiest idea what species. Call an exterminator!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Doesn't look like anything I've ever seen doesn't look like a bed bug. But I'd be afraid they'd get in other stuff. I might have to get rid of the sofa because I can't spray bug spray because I'm allergic to bug spray. Very odd

Ann said...

I have no clue what it is. Just the fact that you only see them on the couch would make me crazy. That's just getting a little too close to my personal space. Hope you can figure out what it is and hopefully get rid of them.

Martha said...

No clue but I sure hope you find out and can get rid of them!

The Feminine Energy said...

I'd probably do what Anni says and call an exterminator. Or why don't you email the picture, with a note, to Terminix or Orkin. I bet you would get a response pretty quickly. Keep us posted, Ginny. ~Andrea xoxo

The Feminine Energy said...

I did a little sleuthing, Ginny, and it looks a little bed-buggish to me:

Beside a babbling brook... said...


But beautiful header!

✨ 💛 ✨ 💛 ✨

Rose said...

I dont think bed bug..but I would be taking cushions off, inspecting seams, etc. I think if it was an infestation you would see more than one every now and then. You have got to tell us if you find out what it is.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

I have absolutely NO clue as to what it is. However, if you have a local County Extension (or perhaps a Tractor Supply) and you can trap one in a container, bring it dead or alive. They may help identify it for you....:)jp

DeniseinVA said...

I would be interested in what this is Ginny. Hope you find out soon. Love your header shot!

Chatty Crone said...

I am not sure - but I would look and spray my couch. Maybe a little like a bed bug?

Jenny the Pirate said...

Ugh, I hate bugs. All bugs! Except for cicadas. I like cicadas. But I have bug stories -- recent ones -- I cannot even bring myself to tell. They are that terrifying. Good luck, Ginny. xoxo

photowannabe said...

I sure don't know either. I hope you get answers before they really become a problem.
To answer your question from my blog..
the waffle center is a Bear paw print (Black Bear Diner) then it was sprinkled with powered sugar. Very tasty.

Mari said...

I really, really dislike bugs. They should stay outside where they belong!

Shug said...

Oh much beauty in your header photo. I need a heart button! Not sure about your little bug...I don't like bugs either.

cookie said...

its a stink bug dont squish or u will b sorry smell is horrible

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