Sunday, November 1, 2020

Shine On, Harvest Moon

 After we saw everything in yesterday's post, we finally arrived at our destination. On a hill to snap the Harvest Moon! This was the second blue moon in the month, as well.

We also saw this bright planet on the other side of the sky. At least I think it was a planet, it was very large.

Why is it that every tie I snap a planet, it looks like a pizza to me? Maybe because I am always on a diet and hungry.

“For as long as Earth lasts,
        planting and harvest, cold and heat,
    Summer and winter, day and night
        will never stop.”

Genesis 8


DeniseinVA said...

It looks like a pizza to me too. We are both on diets :) Always love your moon shots.

Hootin Anni said...

Incredibly beautiful! Your sky photos are always perfect.

Ann said...

Fantastic shots as always. That other planet does look like a pizza and since this is the second blog in a row that has mentioned pizza I now have a craving for it.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Your remark about being on a diet and always hungry made me chuckle...LOL!...:)jp

Martha said...

Such gorgeous shots of the harvest moon! Now that you mentioned pizza I'm kind of hungry myself ;)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

My first thought was the planet looks like a sweet potato pie. Play Moon shots are absolutely gorgeous

Jeanette said...

Love those moon pictures! I agree that the planet picture kind of reminds me of a pizza!

Chatty Crone said...

I think that is another planet.
So why was it called a blue moon - I heard that too.

photowannabe said...

Great captures of the magnificent moon.
Thanks Ginny for the "title" you put to the photo of Hubby and I.
I like it.

Rose said...

These are wonderful.

The Feminine Energy said...

Isn't that other little planet "Mars"? I wish I had my 9yo granddaughter here to see your pictures.... she would know. She's a real space buff. Your pictures are always so gorgeous, Ginny. Thank you for posting them. ~Andrea xoxo

Ruth Hiebert said...

Good moon shots.

Tamago said...

Beautiful moon and a planet!
Now you made me crave for some pizza :-)

Mari said...

Beautiful photos! I like the verse you chose to put with them.

CheerfulMonk said...

Great pictures, and the comment about pizza made me laugh.

Susan said...

Great pictures! I took a picture of the moon too, but it did not have that orange color.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I love that verse from Genesis. The moon was so pretty and you captured it beautifully. Now I’m hungry too.

Nancy Chan said...

Your moon photos are always fantastic. Beautiful moon. I tried taking photos of a beautiful moon with an outer ring but not successful.

Beside a babbling brook... said...


✨ 💛 ✨ 💛 ✨

Jenny the Pirate said...

Pizza sounds great! Extra sauce and extra pepperoni for me. xoxo

Ida said...

I didn't get to see the Halloween moon as I was in Quarantine prior to the surgery I had on Tuesday so it's nice to see everyone else's pictures of it.

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