Sunday, November 8, 2020

Mournful Monday

We happened to drive through a cemetery the other day, looking for pretty trees. Instead, we found something else. These graves with fall decorations, sun shining on them. Can a grave be pretty? Likely not, but these had a certain mournful beauty and sadness to them. Come with me to Thornrose Cemetery on a fall day.

Cemeteries are for the living; the dead are elsewhere.

Titus Hoskins


CheerfulMonk said...

Yes, cemeteries are for the living, so people can still show their love.

DeniseinVA said...

You captured it beautifully Ginny! I like what Cheerful Monk said, lovely sentiments.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

that is special Ginny. And by the way, I never thought of my fountain having a Whales fin but I do think you are right. What you coujld not see was the stem of it was make up of little fish

The Feminine Energy said...

Love that quote... it's so true too. ~Andrea xoxo

Ann said...

I like your description of mournful beauty. These all fit that bill.

Martha said...

The quote is very true. I don't think I've ever seen a cemetery quite so festively decorated!

Jeanette said...

I think graves can be very beautiful1 Those are great pictures!

Anni said...

Some are beautiful, some are so neglected and oftentimes vandalized!

Shug said...

Our little cemetery here in our town is well taken care of and I am so thankful. My parents and nephew are buried there and it such a blessing to see the wee kept grounds.

George said...

I like the golden glow from the sunlight and fallen leaves that you captured along with the decorations.

Nancy Chan said...

The autumn colours and decorations help to brighten and cheer up the mournful place.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

decorating graves way back in the 1950's was common in KY... we had never seen graves with anything other than flowers, but there, everyone decorated for the seasons and holidays and birthdays. there was one famil crypt, a small house, with glass doors. there were 6 people in it, they put up trees with lights and presents inside. we always went to see that one.

Chatty Crone said...

Cemeteries are for the living; the dead are elsewhere. How true!

photowannabe said...

My Hubby and I really enjoy visiting cemeteries.
I know that sounds strange but there is definitely a beauty to be found, especially Fall with its Golds and Reds.

Carla from The River said...

Ginny, I enjoyed this post so much. We enjoy walking cemeteries. There is so much peace, beauty and even things to learn by reading the stones.
You captured the peace and beauty. Thank You!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

What a coincidence! I went by the most beautiful cemetery today and now I'm reading your post!!...:)jp

Ruth Hiebert said...

Interesting .

Rose said...

Maybe sad beauty? .

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