Saturday, December 18, 2021

Birthday Boy

 Tomorrow is our son Mike's 51st birthday. I can hardly believe it! We went over and dropped off some presents today. We stayed outside, as our youngest granddaughter is sick, and whatever it is it could be contagious.

Our middle granddaughter, Dara, came out to see us. She has grown so much in the last year.

I thought the front of their house was pretty, so too a quick snap as we drove away.

The aging process has you firmly in its grasp if you never get the urge to throw a snowball. ~Doug Larson, unverified


crafty cat corner said...

Your son has a lovely kind face Ginny.
Our children are 50, 54 and 57 and are starting to creak, lol

a spirit of simplicity said...

Happy birthday to your granddaughter. My middle grandchild's birthday was on Friday. I love your son's house. It does look pretty all dressed up for the holidays. I like the door. It must be nice to have the big door open and be able to let the sunshine in.

Chatty Crone said...

Happy birthday Mike! And may you have many, many more!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Happy Birthday to Mike and oh yes, Anne Marie is now a young lady. and a beautiful one... in Feb my two sons turn 54 and 56 and I wonder how that happened so quickly. sorry the girls are sick

George said...

Happy Birthday, Mike. I hope your granddaughter gets well quickly.

Rose said...

Happy birthday, Mike. I cannot believe how all our grands are growing up. Much too quickly in my opinion. Your son's house is decorated nicely.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Happy Birthday to him!!!!

Yes, wise not to expose yourself to whatever the "Grand" has!!! I so agree!

We are not eating, next door, on Christmas, because they are a petrie dish of rotating "stuff"!!!!! My poor daughter in law! The kids keep bring germs/viruses home.

But they bring the Christmas Dinner (plates) over to us. So we don;t have to cook. -smile-

Happy Full Cold Moon!
🎄 🌕 🎄
Happy Winter Solstice/Yule!
🎄 🌞 🎄

DeniseinVA said...

Happy Birthday Mike! He does have the loveliest smile! Great photo of Dara also and the front of their house is prettily decorated. Do hope your other granddaughter will be 100 percent by Christmas :)

Mari said...

Happy Birthday to your son! And I hope everyone else stays healthy and your granddaughter is soon better.
PS - I still have the urge to throw a snowball now and then!

Hootin Anni said...

Happy birthday to Mike. My youngest will be 50 in May. Hope he celebrated with something fun.

photowannabe said...

So sorry for the sickness at your family's home..that makes Christmas not quite so much fun.
Happy Birthday to your son also...he's right there with our "boys" too...48 and 53 years.
I guess I am in that aging process cause there's no snow here to even think about throwing a snowball. (:0)

Red Rose Alley said...

Happy Birthday to your son, Ginny. I hope he has a wonderful day doing all the things he loves. I'm sorry your granddaughter is sick, hope she feels better soon. I like those little trees on their front porch, and the wreaths. And that snowball quote made me smile, as my son, who is 30, just threw a snowball this morning. ; )


*Yes, the blue cabinet I got at Target years ago. I wanted to get two for the grandkids' things, but I just have one, and it's stuffed full of dolls, old books, and goodies.

Nancy Chan said...

Happy birthday to Mike. Your middle granddaughter has grown so much taller. Beautiful Christmas decoration in front of the house. Take care and stay safe.

Ann said...

Happy birthday to Mike. Hope he enjoyed his day.

Bobbie said...

Happy Birthday to Mike! This season of sickness is so tough on us grandparents. All we want is to hug our grandkids!! ugh. Dara has grown to be a beautiful young lady. All your granddaughters are so beautiful. What a wonderful family!!

Jenny the Pirate said...

Belated Happy Birthday wishes to Mike! xoxo

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