Wednesday, December 8, 2021


 Another interesting car we saw in a parking lot. It is so CUTE!!! But I doubt if I could get either in or out of it without hurting, tearing, or cramping something. To my mind, it is a car of our youth. But now, it would sure CRAMP my style!

“Sitting is the new smoking.”

~Health catchphrase


Hootin Anni said...

May be an electric car? I wouldn't want one.

Ann said...

Oh my goodness, even the license plate says cramped. It makes me think of a Tonka toy. I don't think I would feel safe driving down the road in something that small.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i think they are adorable but would only want to drive one with all the cars the same size, if this got hit by and suv or truck, which is 90 percent down here, it would not end well. love the tag. we have quite a few of these down here, cant think of the name though. a shopper at walmart every saturday drives one, i call them pregnant skates

Jeanette said...

Every time I see a car that size, I always think "Gas would never be expensive enough for me to feel that I need to buy a death trap like that!" Crazy!

Chatty Crone said...

Those cars tickle me! I love his license plate!

Carol said...

My husband and I had a car exactly like this - same color and all and we loved it. It was all gas powered and was much roomier inside than you could imagine. It was great on gas and we enjoyed it a great deal. I cried when he got rid of it.

Rose said...

I would not have wanted one in my youth, even.

The Feminine Energy said...

*hahahahahaha* "I doubt if I could get either in or out of it without hurting, tearing, or cramping something." Now this comment gave me a hearty laugh this morning, Ginny. Thank you for that!! And by the way, I totally agree and I think the owner does too, considering his/her license plate! :-D ~Andrea xoxoxo

photowannabe said...

Yikes that's too small for me.
It looks like a "wind-up" car...
Love the license

Linda said...

Every time I see one of these tiny cars, I tell Louis Dean we should get one! I could always put it in my purse and we'd never have to park it!

Mari said...

Love that license plate! A friends sister had one of these cars. She said it got great gas mileage. She was a tiny thing so fit into it just fine. :)

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm afraid it wouldn't be for us, just for the young and agile.

Bobbie said...

Perfect tag! I love the mini cars. But I imagine they wouldn’t be all that safe.

Red Rose Alley said...

Yes, I've seen these cars before, and although they are cute, it would worry me to have one while driving in heavy traffic. The license plate is just right for this car.


George said...

I love the license plate! We see this type of car -- I think it's called a SMART car -- occasionally around here. We've enven seen them on the interstate, although I don't think I would be brave enough to try to drive one there.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Looks like a death trap to me! xoxo

DeniseinVA said...

Its owner has a fun sense of humor. It's a cute little car but I don't think they are being made any more because they weren't as popular as the makers thought they would be. People were probably too "cramped", lol!

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