Monday, December 20, 2021

The Big Cat, Etc.

 The Big Cat is all dressed and ready for Christmas.

On the way back home, we noticed that the people across the street had just put out their decorations. Notice the lillipops on the porch. I think it is all so cute!

I also spotted this Wind Spinner. Though not a Christnas decoration, I love the colors.

A cat is an example of sophistication minus civilization.

 ~Author unknown


Sandi said...

I love the lolipops!

a spirit of simplicity said...

So cute!

Ann said...

It wouldn't be Christmas without a picture of the big cat. Love it. I like how the house across the street is decorated too.

Nancy Chan said...

The cat looks happy and all ready for Christmas. Cute lollipops and colourful wind spnner.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i have to say I don't have a fondness for wind spinners but this one is beautiful, my mother would want a yard full of them. i notice they forgot to remove the Halloween pumpkin, then realized it is a snowman but looks like a pumpking because of the orange scarf. or it does to me. the cat as always is adorable

Inger said...

NOw you've made me wonder if our town has any decorations like this. I should take a trip through a neighborhood.

Rose said...

I love that big cat!

DeniseinVA said...

Very cute decorations!

Chatty Crone said...

I remember that cat - so they still have it! Cute.

Hootin Anni said...

Just popping by after I posted my last blog of the year to wish you all a wonderful holiday season.

The Feminine Energy said...

I adore that cat, Ginny!! I look forward to seeing its outfits each holiday! How nice to have such lovely decorations to look at, each time you peek out your windows. ~Andrea xoxoxo

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, this house is decorated so nicely for Christmas. Love those lollipops on the front porch. I saw some lollipops in a small Christmas tree on a friend's blog recently. So cute.


Jenny the Pirate said...

I remember that cat! Everything is so cute. xoxo

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