Monday, December 27, 2021

My Favorite

 This may be my favorite Christmas gift this year. It is a calendar our daughter-in-law had made. Each month has either a photo of our grandchildren, or a photo of their artwork! Here are some of the pages.

“We must not allow the clock and the calendar to blind us to the fact that each moment of life is a miracle and mystery.

H.G. Wells


Ann said...

What a great gift that is. That would be one calendar worth keeping once the year is through.

crafty cat corner said...

Now that is a wonderful gift, what could be better than an hand made gift that is useful. I would love that.

Nancy Chan said...

Ginny, that is one precious gift that money cannot buy. Wishing you and yours Happy New Year 2022.

a spirit of simplicity said...

What a great gift!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I LOVE IT! this is the perfect gift and will keep on giving all year long, each time you look at it, each time you change the month. the sunflower of Ann Marie is wow... the calendar is even the colors of joy. plus you can keep it forever.

The Feminine Energy said...

What a FANTASTIC calendar, Ginny. That would have been my favorite gift this year too!!! Wonderful!! ~Andrea xoxoxo

Inger said...

I think that calendar will remind you of exactly what that quote you posted feared it may not do. I love your granddaughter in the field of sunflowers. What a precious gift.

Rose said...

That is a wonderful idea....

Gayla said...

I just love your calendar. What a fun gift that you can treasure every single day all year long. I hope you are feeling much better. It is never fun to be sick, but at this time of the year? Awful. I am wishing you and yours a lovely, peaceful, and healthy New Year.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Perfect Header... and blog look!

Also perfect gift!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

What a beautiful gift, and a very talented daughter-in-law.
Happy New Year to you and your family.♥

photowannabe said...

Beautiful family and a beautiful gift.
We get a calendar or should say have gotten a calendar for the last several years from younger son and family. I love it and cherish it all year. this year they ran out of time and we didn't get one..I was so disappointed. We got a nice gift but not THE GIFT..
Happy New Year and I hope you are feeling better.

George said...

What a wonderful gift!

DeniseinVA said...

Couldn't think of a more special gift Ginny. I have said it before but you have such a sweet family :) Love the sweetie in your header shot also.

Bobbie said...

What a WONDERFUL gift!! My daughter always gives me a calendar each year too, but hers includes photo's only. I would love to see their artwork as well. I will have to give her this hint. Your granddaughters are precious!

Red Rose Alley said...

What a wonderful and treasured gift, Ginny. A very creative idea that your daughter-in-law thought of. Love the lady with the heart. Such a cute calendar. I usually get the Mary Engelbreit calendars every year, but this year I got a plain calendar with BIG boxes for the days, and you can decorate the boxes for special holidays. Love that quote you shared also, and so true, isn't it?


Ida said...

That's such a cute and clever idea.

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