Thursday, December 9, 2021

The Fog

 A few years ago, we set off on a Christmas trip. We live at the foot of the Blue Ridge Mountains, so to get to the bigger cities we have to go over Afton Mountain. A light snow was still on the ground, but the day was clear and nice.

But up on the mountain, just a few minutes away from us, there is an entirely different climate and weather system. I started to get worried.

Then even more worried.

This mountain used to be the only one in the country with built-in fog lights embedded in the sides of the road. But they are no match for mountain fog, which is basically a big cloud sitting on the mountain top.

My nerves were not in the best shape on that trip, but we did pass something that cheered me up. I love to post it every December.

“We don’t yet see things clearly. We’re squinting in a fog, peering through a mist. But it won’t be long before the weather clears and the sun shines bright! We’ll see it all then, see it all as clearly as God sees us, knowing him directly just as he knows us!”

1 Corinthians 13


Linda said...

I love your memory!

Nancy Chan said...

I would be worried too if I were travelling in the car with you. Yes, that is a cheerful sight in the last photo. Beautiful bible verse.

Ann said...

Those trees would cheer me up too. That's some pretty nasty fog.

Sandi said...

Love the little hats!

The fog is scary...😬

" won’t be long before the weather clears."

Amen, oh, pleaee, Lord.

Hootin Anni said...

Yep, fog can be scary when you can't see much of anything!! Seeing the hat covered trees would be a "Blessing in disguise" in a way...

Rose said...

I do not like traveling in fog like that those trees. And beautiful verse.

roughterrain crane said...

You are a very careful driver. Happy weekend to you.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i have alwsy loved these tree santas and its such an easy way to decorate and adorable. i should have kept the old tree and put a hat on it. this fog you showed is what i drove to the Y in day before yesterday, i was a nervous wreck by the time we drove there and got back home. we are in day 4 of early dawn fog here. but just one day of the thick like this. can see about 100 feet on the other days and gone by 8 or 9

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh Ginny, I love foggy days, but I don't like driving in them. It can be quite scary. Loved hearing your story also, and your pictures went along with the story perfectly. Isn't that the most wonderful sight of trees with red Santa hats you came across? I'm sure it put a big smile on your face after driving and not knowing what to expect with the fog. And I learned something today about what fog really is.....and maybe that's why I see it around here so much being close to the mountain.

The Corinthians verse is wonderful! Thank you for sharing that this morning.


George said...

I don't like driving in the fog, especially on an interstate. But I thank you for sharing your memories and your photos.

Jeanette said...

Yikes! I love fog but that does look scary to drive in! I remember years ago there was a terrible multi car pile up on a foggy mountain road like that! I love the pine trees with the Santa hats! Too cute!

Jenny the Pirate said...

Awwwwww! So clever and cute! xoxo

CheerfulMonk said...

That picture is priceless! 😊

Mari said...

Fog mixed with snow is no good! But I love those bushes with santa caps!

Brenda said...

Amen to what you have said, I love the way that nature speaks in wonderful ways. God bless.

DeniseinVA said...

I love foggy mornings but not when I have to drive in it like this. That's white knuckles on the wheel weather! I like the Santa hats on the top of the trees, that would cheer me too.

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