Saturday, December 25, 2021

Christmas Oddities

Today was the oddest Christmas we have ever had. I got really sick on Christmas eve. Feeling a bit better today. Also today our toilet broke. On Christmas. When I was sick. A plumber had to come out twice to fix it. Due to all this, we did not get together with family, but did manage to exchange gifts, which I will show on my next post. But now, here are some of the oddest Christmas things we have seen. 

A Christmas tree made of bicycles.

A cow admiring a Christmas tree.

An American flag Christmas decoration.

An R2D2 Christmas decoration.

A fire breathing dragon and a dolphin.

"All things are strange which are worth knowing."

 — Catherynne M Valente


Ann said...

So sorry you weren't feeling well. What bad timing for the toilet to break as well. I hope you are better today.
Those are all very odd Christmas decorations.

a spirit of simplicity said...

I'm glad you are feeling better and hope your toilet is on the mend as well. No fun to be sick without a toilet!

Chatty Crone said...

Love those - Merry Christmas!

Jeanette said...

I hope you are feeling better today! In the next town over from us there is a huge Christmas tree made of teeth right by a dental office!

The Feminine Energy said...

Oh Ginny, I'm so sorry to hear you were sick on Christmas. With how careful you folks are, I'm wondering where in the world you could have picked something up?!! I hope you're feeling better today but doggone... sick on Christmas is NOT fun!! *gentle hugs* ~Andrea xoxoxo

photowannabe said...

So sorry you got ill on Christmas. I do hope you are feeling better now. Oh boy, plumbing troubles and to have someone come out twice..yikes... $$$$
Those are crazy decorations for sure..

Inger said...

I'm so sorry you got ill on Christmas and then had to deal with toilet troubles on top of it.

I'm glad you are feeling a bit better now and able to post all these sort of strange things, showing a different kind of Christmas. I love Christmas, both in the celebration of the birht of Christ, and also the tradition, from my childhood on. Family, tree, food, gifts. And,to me, you don't mess with that.

Outside of Christmas, all these things are creative, I will give them that. And you are so clever to find so may odd things to post on your blog.

Inger said...

I was mainly talking about the bikes.

Linda said...

Bless your hearts! Hope you are feeling better and praise God for plumbers! Hope it didn’t cost you a fortune!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Oh mercy! Sick again! And toilet breaking! Oh, oh, oh!

Interesting oddities!

Get all better soon....

Happy Boxing Day!

🌲 ⛄ 🌲 ⛄ 🌲 ⛄ 🌲 ⛄ 🌲

Rose said...

I am so sorry all this happened on Christmas day! I hope you are feeling better by now.

Nancy Chan said...

So sorry you were sick on Christmas and the toilet not working. Good to know you are feeling better and hope the toilet is working normally now. I like the cow, dolphin and dragon decorations.

DeniseinVA said...

Oh goodness, sorry you were not feeling well over Christmas, and for the plumbing problem. On the 24th we had a mini flood in our kitchen from a leaky faucet. It started leaking during the night. Fortunately it was an easy fix and hubby figured it out. We had an extra clean floor for Christmas :) Fun photos! Do hope you are feeling better by now.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

oh no, i missed this post due to who knows what, when I saw todays post i came to see what happened. so sorry you got so sick, if it was stomach flu my 2 friends in Savannah had it for 2 days, she and her hubby. i do hope you have more than one toilet and glad someone could come on a holiday and fix it.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Ugh! Ginny I am so sorry you were sick, and that the toilet broke! What a disaster on Christmas! Actually it would be a disaster any day ... thank God there was a plumber willing to come out and see to it. I hope as of this writing that you are MUCH better and able to enjoy some belated but no less wonderful Christmas. xoxo


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