Wednesday, December 15, 2021

The Wal-Mart Trip

 We went to Wal-Mart yesterday, and I found these cute leggings with Corgi dogs on them. AND they were only $4.44.

And we bought something else that was just a WEE bit more than $4.44. Have you ever heard of a stuffed waffle maker?

You can stuff the waffle with sweet or savory. I'm thinking of a pizza waffle, a s'mores waffle, a chicken parm waffle. It comes with a recipe book.

I never knew such an appliance existed! Did you?

Did you know that fairies used to ride on the back of Corgis into battle? And did you know that fairies used Corgis as multi-purpose work and farm dogs in their magical kingdom?  

                Well, it’s all true…that is, if you believe in Welsh folklore.


My Tata's Cottage said...

That is an interesting waffle iron. I found a new crispy Belgian waffle recipe. even my sweet husband loves it. It has a bit of cinnamon in it. My waffle iron is over 50 years old, bought it when I was a teenager. I have replaced the power cord once. I pray it holds up as I bought numerous ones that donot suit me.

My friend Angela has a Corgi and has always had them. She LOVES those little royal doggies.

Sweet post. Thanks for stopping by. I am slowing catching up from my last November posts. We needed a break. It was nice. Because we are so busy now with CHRISTmas.

Have a great week and your header is sweet.

Nancy Chan said...

Cute leggings with Corgi dogs. I didn't know about this stuffed waffle maker. The waffles with the strawberries look delicious. Enjoy your waffles.

Ann said...

Those leggings are really cute. I didn't know the folklore about Corgis.
I have never seen one of those waffle makers. So what recipe will you try first?
I didn't wear those glasses all day long. I think I only had them on for about 20 minutes and I couldn't stand them on my face any more.

Hootin Anni said...

Cute leggings...but you didn't say if you bought any...did you?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you did not say you bought the corgis but i believe you did. I don't like anything on or in my waffles or pancakes, just syrup. of course i could not eat any of this now, would make me sick. but i did love waffles, the big kind the size of a dinner plate or even the frozen ones. now i am wondering if they have frozen gluten free waffles. my DIL would love these corgi leggins. for many years she had corgies, as many as 8 at a time, she had the mom and dad and each time they had babies she sold 3 and kept 2... her last Corgi died during 2020.. he was 17 years old

George said...

Let us know how the stuffed waffles work out.

Inger said...

I've never heard or seen a waffle maker likee that. And I know for a fact that Swedish fairies never knew about the Corgi dogs nor any farms. They lived in the deep forests and floated in the mist. I don't think they needed food. But I'm glad that the Welsh fairies had the Corgis as helpers. They must have been more earthbound.

Rose said...

Cute leggings! I did not any if that about the Corgies. It has to be true.

Chatty Crone said...

I have a little one but it doesn't quite look like that, I need to use it.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Grrreat Blog Look!!!

What will they think of next, for the kitchen????? -smile-

So cute leggins!

Of course I believe in Welsh Folk Lore! Doesn't everyone? If not, they are missing so much!!!!!

And thank you, never heard this.

OHHHH, out shopping again, after being sick. You are the brave one. Not I. And I wasn't even out shopping.

"Miss B.B."

The Feminine Energy said...

I had never heard of a stuffed waffle maker. Let us know how it works out, Ginny. Don't give up... I'll bet there's a learning curve to using it. And those leggings are darling and such a great price. I LOVE-LOVE-LOVE Walmart!! ~Andrea xoxoxo

photowannabe said...

Love your leggings but every time I see corgis I think about when I was in high school and had to take the bus home from school.
Walking from the bus to my house was always a bit scary for me. The neighborhood corgi always managed to get out of his yard and would come snarling at me and nip at my heels the whole way home. He never hurt me but the fear was always there. I hated having to walk pass his house. "Thanks for the memories" Boo

a spirit of simplicity said...

Oh I love those leggings! The kids at my school would love it if I had a pair. I may go to my Wal-Mart to see if I can find some.

Carla from The River said...

I just love Corgis. I have only met one real one, but have seen them on wrapping paper, cards and more. CUTE leggings. :-)

CheerfulMonk said...

I love those leggings! ❤️

Red Rose Alley said...

Those are the cutest leggings. Walmart always has cute holiday stuff. The waffle maker is pretty cool also.


Jenny the Pirate said...

I love Corgis but I don't need one. I do, however, NEED one of those waffle makers! xoxo

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