Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Run Amok

 On the way to a doctor appointment out of town, we passed this house. I could hardly believe it! So on the way home, we turned and I took a few photos. I have never seen a house with so many decorations! They were in the front, back, and sides! But for me, I could not appreciate any one thing because there were so many that nothing was really in the spotlight.

My favorites were the beautiful and elaborate angels.

To perceive Christmas through its wrapping becomes more difficult with every year.

 ~E. B. White


Terra said...

The angels are my favorites too. The people with this display sure put in a lot of hours of work, I think it is fun to look at.

Ann said...

I love the angels, those are definitely my favorites. That is a bit too much with all those decorations.

Hootin Anni said...

The angels ARE nice, but like Ann stated...too busy for me.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

your title is perfect, Chrismtas Run Amok it is... no way to see past the wrappings like in the quote.. and the sad thing is, on the first Chrismtas morn there were no gifts, no wrapping no lights. just 3 people in a barn stall

Jenny the Pirate said...

We pass a few houses like that as we go here and there. One is on a large main road and it just looks to me like confusion. I prefer simplicity and focus. But I can appreciate their enthusiasm to enjoy the season and make folks happy. Those angels really are gorgeous. xoxo

Chatty Crone said...

I love the angels, but my comment is: WOW!

DeniseinVA said...

That is a perfect quote for this. My goodness, that's a lot of decoration. We have a house similar to this on a cul-de-sac a few streets over. People seem to enjoy it at night though as a parade of cars go by throughout the holiday. We have actually taken visitors there over the years. The angels are my favorite too and make a great header shot. So pretty!

photowannabe said...

I like your choice of title for this post...
To each their own but its definitely too, too, much for me.
Some of the pieces are nice BUT....

Hootin Anni said...

Ps...Ginny, that pink flowering plant on my blog today is also a Christmas cactus.

Rose said...

I love the angels, too. But it is hard to really see any of them because there is so much. There was a house we used to pass that was like that.

Mari said...

Oh my - that is too much! I passed a house like that yesterday.

Nancy Chan said...

Yes, there are too many of them. It looks more like a Christmas park.

The Wearing O' The Green

 Many places around here are preparing for St. Patrick's Day. This house is at the top of our hill, and is all decked out in green. In f...