Ever since we have moved into this house about 40 years ago, we have had earwigs for several weeks in the summer. They have forceps-like pinchers, and are altogether disagreeable to look at. There are almost 2,000 different kinds, but we have only one kind.
They get into everything! The dishes in the drainer, tissues, the toilet paper (once I wiped myself with toilet paper and an earwig was on it). Anyway, yesterday I felt a pinching on my foot. I had felt that before, and knew what it was. Sure enough, when I took my sock off, there was an earwig in it! I got pinched with those pinchers. Or maybe bit; they do bite as well.
In these two photos, you can see one crawling on the dishes in the drainer. Seems that this year, most of the neighborhood has a huge infestation of them!
“Hasn't modern
civilized life come to be little else than a fight for life against bugs?”
~Dorothy Scarborough