Sunday, June 26, 2022

The Orchard

 Last week, we made our first trip of the year to Chile's Fruit Orchard. The trip there is pretty.

Here, we are driving up to it.

They had these strawberry facts on their outside wall.

They had lots of big metal roosters. A bunch were under a table that they call their Coop.

This huge owl hovered above them.

Felt birdhouses.

We got some nectarines, and ice cold bottles of Apple Ginger Ale.

"Fruit only angers my need for chocolate."

 ~Jason Love



Ann said...

What a neat place. Love the view. I had no idea that strawberries were a member of the rose family.
Looks like there was lots of fun stuff to look at there. The apple ginger ale sounds really good.

L. D. said...

Love the roosters and the owl. We ate strawberries yesterday picked by out kids and grandkids. Our season for them is almost done.

R's Rue said...

What great photos. I love it. Regine

Red Rose Alley said...

What a nice drive to the orchard. This reminds me of a place we go to in the Fall called Apple Hill. It's an orchard with so many things to see and all kinds of apple goodies to eat. Those strawberry facts are interesting. Didn't know they are from the Rose family. That owl is cool also. And I love the "chocolate" quote haha.

Have a really good week, Ginny.


Jeanette said...

Looks like a fun place! Love the owl!

Rose said...

I wish I could go there, too. Looks like a drive and place I woukd enjoy.

Carla from The River said...

So much fun, I would like to visit with you.
We are going strawberry picking this week at Mac's Berries. :-)

HappyK said...

I love the roosters!!

Chatty Crone said...

What a neat place - I didn't know all that about strawberries.

LC said...

What a great place to visit. I love strawberries and the strawberry facts were quite as tasty as facts could be!!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Lovely photos of your outing to the orchard, and some fun facts about strawberries. I wonder how they counted the seeds, LOL.

Cheerful Monk said...

What beautiful country!

Nancy Chan said...

Lovely view on your drive to the fruit orchard. Interesting strawberry facts.

Hootin Anni said...

Love that incredibly HUGE owl.

photowannabe said...

What a fun place to visit. I think I need one of those roosters but where would I put it?
Love the quote too.

DeniseinVA said...

This looks like a great place, thanks for sharing it.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Wow I love those metal roosters! And how interesting that strawberries are a part of the rose family! I never knew that. xoxo

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