Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Father's Day 2022 & A Birthday

 On Sunday, we celebrated both Father's Day, and our middle granddsughter Dara's 11th birthday. It was a beautiful day, so we went to our son's home and gathered out back. Dara had been really wanting the Vans checkerboard shoes, and was over the moon when she opened them.

Vivian waited patiently nearby, hoping for any stray crumbs.

Our youngest, Jazz, showed us how she can do a combination somersault/split.

Grandpa & Dara.

A square Father's Day balloon!

As we got in the car to leave, Jazz picked me this sweet little flower, the perfect ending to the day.


DeniseinVA said...

Ah yes, at this age we come with sound effects, lol! A great post and wonderful family photos. Looks like a great Father’s Day.

Ann said...

Happy Birthday to Dara. Love those shoes. Jazz is quite the athlete. I remember a day when I could do that. Now I just make sound effects when I get up...lol

Reanaclaire said...

Your grandkids are very beautiful, Ginny... Happy Birthday to Dara! Can really see everyone is happy on that day!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

IBS sound effects are a part of my life now.. Dara is growing up so fast, she looks like a teen now. time if on fast forward and 3 more years and she will be. so glad you cannow get together for family fun... that is a very unusual color in the middle of the flower. beautiful

Rose said...

Happy Birthday to Dara...all our grands are growing up so quickly now.

I love that quote.

Jeanette said...

Looks like a nice celebration!

photowannabe said...

HaHa...I remember too..love the quote.
what a wonderful celebration you had. Darling grands and that pansy is perfect.
You don't see many square balloons...terrific.

Chatty Crone said...

Oh what a wonderful birthday and Father's day. She did look so excited. I remember when I used to get up and not make a sound too.

Mari said...

Happy Birthday Dara! I like the shoes.
My hubby and I were just talking about the sounds we make getting up! :)

Jenny the Pirate said...

What a perfectly wonderful time! Dara was so cute when she opened her shoes. How sweet to be able to give her exactly what she wanted. Jazz certainly is nimble, and cute too. And a precious time celebrating Phil as well! Good job all. I love that balloon! xoxo

Shug said...

I love combined celebrations. Happy Birthday to Dara and Happy Father's Day to your Phil. Great pictures of a beautiful time spent with family.

Red Rose Alley said...

Happy Birthday to your granddaughter! What a fun day she had. Wow, look at Jazz doing a somersault/split. Brings back memories. When I was a Cheerleader, we had to learn to do the Splits haha. Always keep this picture of her. It's not an easy thing to do. What a sweet flower she picked for you.


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