Thursday, June 23, 2022


 Ever since we have moved into this house about 40 years ago, we have had earwigs for several weeks in the summer. They have forceps-like pinchers, and are altogether disagreeable to look at. There are almost 2,000 different kinds, but we have only one kind.

They get into everything! The dishes in the drainer, tissues, the toilet paper (once I wiped myself with toilet paper and an earwig was on it). Anyway, yesterday I felt a pinching on my foot. I had felt that before, and knew what it was. Sure enough, when I took my sock off, there was an earwig in it! I got pinched with those pinchers. Or maybe bit; they do bite as well.

In these two photos, you can see one crawling on the dishes in the drainer. Seems that this year, most of the neighborhood has a huge infestation of them!

“Hasn't modern civilized life come to be little else than a fight for life against bugs?”

 ~Dorothy Scarborough


Ann said...

My problem every year is ants. I deal with them for a few weeks and then they're gone until the next year. I'm not afraid of bugs but I don't like them invading my space. I think I would have freaked out if I found one on the toilet paper.

Nancy Chan said...

Those pinchers look threatening. I will be very careful by shaking loose every piece of clothing before I wear them and really check the tissue before using. Ha ha I don't want to be bitten or pinched by these earwigs. Must be the change of weather. I have plaster bagworms in my house. They can be seen on the walls here and there once in a while. I will just remove and throw them outside.

Rose said...

I dont like those things, but at least it is not cockroaches.

Chatty Crone said...

Those pinchers look ugly - but you do not seem scared! We are getting these tiny centipedes in the new place and when you kill them, they kind of crunch. I feel bad - but not in the house!

Jeanette said...

Earwigs creep me out! In our old house we had a lot of them. Once we had a tarp on our driveway for a few days and when we picked it up a carpet of earwigs started running away! Gross! Luckily, I have seen very few in this house!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

That's what those nasty things are called!!!

Eeeeek to bug infestations... Like Stink Bugs alllll over at times.

Nasty bug but pretty blog look, of pink.

Ouch to them being in your socks!!!!!!! Eeeeeekkkkkkkkk...

Carla from The River said...

I HATE earwigs. We have them in our garden, and they can be devastating.

photowannabe said...

Yikes ugly critters. I would hate them in my house. TP and earwigs not a good combo.
Thankfully we don't seem to have them inside but we do get house centipedes which are ugly, gross and kind of scary to me. Boy they are fast too.
Hope the time of the infestation goes quickly.

CheerfulMonk said...

Yuck! I hate them!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

No Ginny, we have not been hot here. The red hot smileys are Mad smileys. We have been having a terrible health related week.

In fact it has been so cool, I have had heat on. But warmer today with windows/doors open.

And yes, we do have A/C for when needed. ☺

Gentle hugs

HappyK said...

Oh they are creepy to have in the house.
I've seen these but not in the house.

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, sorry you have the earwigs during the Summer, Ginny. It seems that bugs crawl around and get inside our houses more in the warm months. Here, I have had a few moths. I used to have all kinds of creepy crawlers in our old houses, but for some reason, living in the mountains, we don't get too many bugs.

Have a lovely weekend.


Mari said...

We get them too and I find them so disgusting!

Jenny the Pirate said...

Ugh Ginny this is HORRIBLE! I hate bugs so much. Here it is palmetto bugs. They are awful. Usually when I see one it's dead, but not always and even dead they are so gross. But these earwigs everywhere! That is so bad. I'm so sorry. Surely an exterminator can do something? Here's hoping the earwig season is super-short this year! xoxo

Mystery Flowers.

 I hope someone knows what these flowers are, because I don't have a clue! They are in the front yard of a house on the end of the block...