Thursday, June 30, 2022

The C.D.'s

 One of the town houses behind us had this hanging on their front porch. Thay made a suncatcher by stringing up C.D.'s! They spun in the wind, and turned all different colors with how the sun caught them. I was totally enchanted. Now I need to find some old C.D.'s

“Music was my refuge. I could crawl into the spaces between the notes and curl my back to loneliness.”

~Maya Angelou


“Music is what feelings sound like.”

 ~Author unknown


Ann said...

Oh I bet that is really pretty to watch when the sun is catching it.

George said...

What a clever idea. The CDs are beautiful.

Ruth Hiebert said...

That is a good idea for old CDs.

DeniseinVA said...

What a very clever idea. I would never have thought of that. Love your quotes too, especially the one from Maya Angelou. She had a way with words didn't she?

Jenny the Pirate said...

What a clever idea! I have a couple of hundred old CDs and if you are serious about needing some, I'll pack them up and send them. BUT I am remembering the time in 1989 when I sold a footlocker full of vinyl LPs ... and lived to regret having done that. I was into collecting CDs for heaven's sake, and had no more use for the vinyl! I had a new CD player! Haahaha now they are stacked up in a cupboard and all I play is Spotify and Sirius XM, hahaahaha! xoxo

photowannabe said...

Perfect sun catchers. They certainly add color to the porch.
Love the musical quotes, especially the author unknown one. Its so true.
Maya Angelou's quote really makes me feel sad.

Carla from The River said...

How fun.. what a unique idea. :-)

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I like that idea!

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

What a wonderful idea. These CDs make beautiful sun catchers. Also, loved Maya Angelou's quote.

CheerfulMonk said...

Clever idea!

HappyK said...

That's a good idea!!

Ida said...

That's quite clever and colorful. I have lots of CD's but I listen to mine.

Red Rose Alley said...

That is a really cool idea. I like the music quotes also. Do you know Maya Angelou is my favorite? Love her. Music really is good for the mind and body. I've always enjoyed listening to the oldies. There's nothing like them. Have a good Fourth of July weekend, Ginny.


Chatty Crone said...

So you ever hear the music and it sends you back in time - and you know exactly when it was.

Yet Another Mystery

 To all of you who identified my mystery flowers; thank you so much! Hellebore is a new flower for me! And now I have another mystery. It is...