How about a little coffee talk? Here is our Fall coffee corner! I like to decorate it for each season.
Some coffee humor.
We saw this car with lights in unusual places. It was beside us at a stop sign. There were lights inside the wheels. The lights were spinni...
Oh, I loved your coffee post, Ginny. I am a coffee lover, and enjoy trying different blends. But I always go back to Starbuck's. Your coffee corner is so charming. The Fall cups with the pumpkins are cute. It must make you smile when you wake up each morning and head to the coffee corner. I like the coffee humor too. Happy Fall, Ginny!
I love your coffee corner and the humor, but I'm afraid I haven't had coffee in almost 40 years. How weird is that?
That is nice coffee corner and post. I still drink coffee but glad that I am no longer addicted. I like the coffeeology.
Your coffee corner is so cute!
I'm a Fall girl myself and I can't wait for those Pumpkin Spice Lattes!
Have a blessed week!
Nice decor!!
Love your coffee corner. I enjoyed all the coffee humor. I read it while I was drinking my coffee :)
thanks for the laughs and your coffee corner is ready for fall and looks so pretty. pro-caffinator is ME to the bone. You do not want to be around with me when I have to go get blood labs drawn ad NO COFFEE.
Cute! Love your coffee corner!
I love these quotes -- and your coffee corner.
*hahaha* Oh how perfect, Ginny! And your autumn coffee corner is simply wonderful!! How cheerful your house always is! ~Andrea xoxo
You are such a bright spot in the World of Blog!
I'm one of the few people who doesn't like coffee. :)
Your corner does look nice though.
I'm not a coffee drinker. But I do need to get some Fall decorations in my house. Yours look nice!
I love the word - depresso - cute.
Very cute and I love how you decorate your coffee corner :)
How fun, both you and madsnapper singing songs of praise for your coffee. I couldn't agree with you more. Life would just be very strange without coffee, wouldn't it? And as always, I love how you decorate your blog to match the subject of your posts. So creative.
Great Fall decorations at your house and I love your background blog wallpaper..
All of your coffee saying are perfect.
Now I have to go and warm up my coffee. It's cold from letting it sit while I fiddled on my computer..
How fun Ginny! :-)
Cute, cute, cute coffee quotes! I relate to them all. I was thinking just the other day about your coffee corner, Ginny, and wondering if you were busy decorating it for fall as I was dragging out my fall decorations! I love it each year when it's time to do that! xoxo
I LOVE your coffee cups and the rack! SO sweet. I drink both tea and coffee. Depending on how I feel. Have a great weekend.
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