Tuesday, September 6, 2022

To Bee Or Not To Bee

 Stores have been selling a lot of bee things this summer! It seems to be all the rage. Here are just some of the bee things I have seen while shopping. I'll start with this bee mailbox.

A giant bee tic tac toe game!

And yes, I did buy some bee things. I will show you in my next post, and show what I did with them.

“It is not how busy you are, but why you are busy — the bee is praised, the mosquito is swatted.”

~Author unknown


Chatty Crone said...

The bees are making good and the mosquitoes bite us. Well I guess the bees do too if we bother them.
I love the colors of the bees.

CheerfulMonk said...

I love that quote!

DeniseinVA said...

Love them! What a wonderful collection this is.

DeniseinVA said...

Always enjoy your quotes.

Ann said...

Even in crafting I've seen a lot of projects that included bees. I like that mailbox. So many other cute things. I can't wait to see what you got.

Hootin Anni said...

You saved the best for last. I am waiting patiently for your show & tell.

Nancy Chan said...

They are cute. Love the quote. Curious to see the bee things you bought.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

BEES are Big right now and trending. you hit the store jackpot of BEES for sure. I like the welcome sign best.

The Feminine Energy said...

I absolutely love "bee stuff".... even tho I don't have one single "bee thing". I can't wait to see the things you bought, Ginny. ~Andrea xoxo

photowannabe said...

I LOVE all the bee things and wish I could buy them all.
I stay out of the stores because that's what I would do.

Paula Alexandra Santos said...

All of those are SO cute, but I like especially the bee set and the welcome sign. Can't wait to see what you bought!
And I've never heard or read that proverb, but it is VERY true!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

How darling. I like all the bee decorations.

I have a cookie jar that was given to my mom back in 1960 - as a gift when they bought a house - it is similar to the ceramic canisters with the bees on them - except, hers has a kitten. The top of the cookie jar has a chip on it. Mom gave it to me when my kids were young - to use as my cookie jar. Now I just use the base as a vase for a flower display.

HappyK said...

All the bee things are cute. I don't have any bee things. Well have to remedy that soon. :)

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, cute things you came across at the store, Ginny. That mail box is delightful. Bees things usually come out in the Summer, as Yellow is a cheerful Summer color. Can't wait to see your "bee" things. Your Header is beautiful. You know, I'm allergic to bees. Love to take pictures of them, but never get too close to them. ; )


Mari said...

Such cute bee things! Now I guess I have to wait to see what you purchased.

Anne M Robinson said...

Oh bees are so sweet. MaryKay use to give her top people bumble bee pins. Aerodynamically the honey bee should not be able to fly but yet he does. I always loved that MaryKay treated her people so well, even the little ones. :-)

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