Monday, September 19, 2022


How many among you are old enough to remember Del Shannon's song "Runaway"? This post made me think of it. On Saturday we watched our middle granddaughter, Dara, run crosscountry. On the way there, these guys were in front of us.

There were several schools that were running.

She did cross the finish line, but did not meet her goal. She was running on an inuured and wrapped foot.

Here we are after the race.

There was even a coffee truck there!

We must remember we are not the sum of our intentions, but of our actions.

 –Brendon Burchard


Nancy Chan said...

It must have been tough for her having to run with an injured foot. Beautiful photo of you and your grand daughter.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so sorry about the injury, and glad she could run. she looks like a true runner! I can't believe how tall she is, seems she was just a small girl, blink of an eye here she is running with the big guys

The Feminine Energy said...

Ooooooh, a coffee truck! Somebody was thinking, that's for sure. What a beautiful picture of you & your granddaughter, Ginny! I love it! ~Andrea xoxo

Ann said...

I can't imagine running on an injured foot. Good for her finishing even if she didn't meet her goal

NanaDiana said...

I loved that song and heard it not too long ago. I am sorry she injured her foot and give her credit for running at all. Lovely picture of you and your grandgirl. Hugs- Diana

Mari said...

Good for her for finishing with an injury, that couldn't be easy!
I like that song. Del Shannon who sang it, is from Coopersville MI, which is the town just across the river near us. Every year they have a festival in late summer - Del Shannon days.

George said...

Dara showed 'True Grit' in running with her injury. I know you're proud of her.

Linda said...

Bless her heart and what courage to run anyway and cross the finish line!
Love the photos and YES! I do remember that song!

Jenny the Pirate said...

Yay for Dara, and yay for a coffee truck! Both good omens. She is to be commended for finishing, although she was injured. Good job. Now let's have coffee, haahaha xoxo

Chatty Crone said...

I remember Del Shannon's song "Runaway" - in fact we saw him perform years ago.

I admire your granddaughter running with her pain!

I'll take some java!

Hootin Anni said...

Lovin' the image of you with her!!

Carla from The River said...

High Fives to her for pressing on!!

DawnTreader said...

They grow up so fast...!

photowannabe said...

Wonderful photo of you and your sweet granddaughter.
Good for her finishing with her injured foot. I hope it heals quickly.
Dara is a true Runner...

HappyK said...

Oh I remember that song well!!
What a trouper for finishing the race even with an injured foot.

DeniseinVA said...

Congratulations to Dara, that is very impressive that she ran on an injured foot, and I do hope it heals quickly. She is amazing, such fortitude!!! Enjoyed the photos. The runners make a great header shot. I remember Runaway.

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm sorry about the injured foot, and I adore that quote!

Reanaclaire said...

Well done and good job to Dara! She scores through her determination, that is a winner!!

L. D. said...

Yay for coffee. We have a college near us and they use the grounds to run their cross country races. It is neat to see it going on with so many people involved.

Inger said...

Good for Dara, not everyone would run if not in top shape. And a coffee truck, how great is that?

Red Rose Alley said...

Your granddaughter looks so fit, like she could run miles. And she even crossed the finish line with an injured foot, oh my. I would have stood in line for that coffee truck. That sounds like a great idea.


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