Thursday, October 20, 2022

A Fall Visit

 We made a fall visit to the Garden Center. Come with us! These are some of the trees we passed.

Here are scenes from the lobby.

They had draped their garden flags over the customer service counter. They made a cheerful sight, almost like a mural.

They had these bulbs sitting up there.

The entrance to the greenhouse.

I did buy one thing. This cute little succulent. It was only four dollars.

“Nevertheless, what a man needs in gardening is a cast-iron back, with a hinge in it.”

 ~Charles Dudley Warner


CheerfulMonk said...

Great pictures! I especially love the trees.

Hootin Anni said...

Warner's quote is spot on.
Lovin' the entryway...and your succulent colors.

Ann said...

The fall colors there are gorgeous.
The garden center has fall covered well. I love the mums. I've always liked them but don't have any planted around my house.

Carol said...

Very pretty displays and such amazing colors! I am loving the colors I have been able to see from my windows and while I have gone to the doctor and grocery store.

George said...

That's quite a garden center! The trees you passed are showing some beautiful color.

Nancy Chan said...

Lovely colours. There is a lot to see at the garden center. You bought a pretty pot of succulent.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

My favorite today is all of those tiny little wonderful pumpkin spilling out of the basket! So much Beauty and just one place. You did good to only buy one thing I'm proud of you

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, I love to visit the nurseries. There is always something special to see. The Mums are beautiful in a variety of colors. I hope your succulent does well for you. It's been fun seeing the Autumns around all of my blog friend's neck of the woods. You have some really pretty colors in your area. I'm just starting to see the changing of colors here. Aren't those mini pumpkins at the nursery the cutest things?


Beside a babbling brook... said...


Love the precious little last one.

Wow Blog Look today!

I spoke to you in my today's post. -smile-

🎃 💛 🎃 💛 🎃

Chatty Crone said...

Gardening is a lot of back work, but for those who do it - they love it.
God's coloring there.

Reanaclaire said...

Beautiful colors of the fall... I really like them.

Reanaclaire said...

I like the plant you bought, Ginny! Cute!

HappyK said...

Gorgeous colors!!!

Mari said...

What a cute place! I love all the little gourds.
The trees are so pretty too.

roentare said...

True fantastic autumn leaves on display!

Veronica Lee said...

These fall photos are a huge treat for those of us living in the tropics!

Love the pretty colours!

Hugs and blessing, Ginny 💐

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Beautiful photos and fall colors on the trees.
Love your little succulent.

Jenny the Pirate said...

What gorgeous colors! And your succulent is adorbs. xoxo

DeniseinVA said...

I love this time of the year and your photos are the reason why. Beautiful! I like your new succulent plant.

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