Monday, October 31, 2022


 Let me begin by saying that we have never celebrated Halloween, not even when our son was growing up. We do decorate for Fall though. But it is interesting to see what some people do with their houses, and I can appreciate people's decor. Here are some of the more unusual skeletons in the neghborhood. 

For some reason, this one has a fish skeleton companion!

This one's just hanging around.

This one is some kind of strange animal in a tree.

This one is a witch and her cat skeleton companion.

This one looks very cranky. Probably because his t-shirt is ill fitting.

This one is a light show that spins around and around, and is projected on a house It was very hard to snap!

And this one is self explanatory.

“Somehow, we have come to the erroneous belief that we are all but flesh, blood, and bones, and that's all. So we direct our values to material things.”

Maya Angelou


CheerfulMonk said...

Thanks. I especially like the skeletons. ❤️

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am thinking that the one with the fish was telling a very long long tail about how big the fish was haha. Not sure what's with the skeletons but they sure have become popular. We have never celebrated our decorated but when I was 6 to age 9 we did go trick or treating to the neighbor's houses

Nancy Chan said...

These people really take the trouble to put up the skeleton decorations. Haha..I will make sure I wouldn't walk anywhere near these houses in case I hear bones rattling. Lol! I wonder where they keep these skeleton after Halloween.....

Ann said...

That is a lot of skeletons. Some people are very clever with how they display them.

Hootin Anni said...

Is that a dragon skeleton?!!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

People in your area, have so much fun, with decorating!!!!!

🔥 💛 🔥

photowannabe said...

Not my personal taste but it is fascinating to see all the creative things people do.
We never decorated for Halloween but always had a pumpkin to carve (Dave's job)and the boys went trick or treating with their friends and the Dads going too. I stayed home to hand out the candy.
We only had 20 kids come to our door last night. Sure down every year now.

HappyK said...

So many people decorate for Halloween now a days. It is fun to see the different decorations!

Shug said...

These are all neat. We have had a lot of bones in our town as well... Hopefully they all left last

Reanaclaire said...

My son took me out to see those deco around our area too... some really make an effort to decorate their houses to become really haunting! hahaha... Yeah, like you, we never celebrate this season.

DeniseinVA said...

I am going to show my son your photos. He is all into Halloween, has been since he's he was a young one. You always find the most fun things to photograph. Thanks Ginny!

Linda said...

It's crazy how popular Halloween is! We never celebrated when Amber and Benjamin were growing up - Amber would hardly go in a store where they had scary costumes on display. Now she hosts parties for her kids! When she was little we had 'Pumpkin Parties.'

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